This is a breathing technique used to calm anxiety.
What is deep breathing?
Drinking this keeps your body hydrated.
a practice that involves focusing or clearing your mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques
What is meditation?
Giving someone a genuine one of these can make their day.
What is a compliment?
Writing down thoughts and feelings to process emotions is called this.
What is journaling?
Experts recommend at least this many minutes of exercise per day for teens.
What is 60 minutes?
Saying these two words to yourself daily can boost self-esteem.
What is positive affirmations?
Spending too much tine online can affect these type of relationships.
What are real life friendships?
This 5-letter word describes focusing on the present moment.
What is (mindful)ness?
This is done prior to exercise to prevent injury.
What is stretching?
This activity involves coloring, painting, or doodling for relaxation.
What is art therapy?
This skill helps you understand how others feel.
What is empathy?
Doing this for at least 7-9 hours a night improves mental well-being.
What is sleeping?
The name of the chemical your brain releases that makes you feel happy after exercise.
What are endorphins?
When you feel overwhelmed, talking to the type of person can help.
What is a friend, teacher, or counselor.
When a friend is upset, this is the best way to support them.
What is listening without judging?
This professional helps people with mental health challenges.
This is the recommended number of hours of sleep for a teenager.
What is 8-10 hours?
The practice of recognizing and controlling emotions is called this.
What is emotional regulation?
Setting these is important for maintaining healthy relationships.
What are boundaries?