Sleep Hygiene
Physical Activity
Personal Hygiene
Healthy Eating

True or False: During sleep your brain rests. 

False. While your body rests, your brain doesn't. An active brain during sleep prepares us for alertness and peak functioning the next day. 

What is one risk associated with reduced physical activity. 

- heart disease

- obesity


- poor sleep 

-low mood 

- dementia 

- stroke

-certain cancers 


True or False: Greasy hair comes from eating fatty foods. 

False. Hair is naturally more greasy/oily when you're a teenager. 


Name two potential side effects of caffeine. 

- increased heart rate 

- change in mood

- stomach upset


- restlessness

-feeling irritable

- trouble sleeping 



Name 2 sleep hygiene tips?

- make sure room is dark, quiet and cool. 

- remove electronics from the bedroom 

- wake up at the same time every day 

- make a bedtime routine (quiet activities before bed) 

-cut down on caffeine 

- no day time naps 

-exercise during the day 


True or False: Boredom makes you feel sleepy, even if you have had enough sleep. 

False. Sleep loss causes sleepiness. Boredom, like a warm or dark room, boredom merely unmasks it. 

Name one light intensity (minimal change in heart rate) physical activity. 

- walking

- light housework

- yoga

- stretching 


True or False: Young children may sweat but don't have body odour. 

True. Special sweat glands under the arms and arounds the genitals only start fully producing sweat that smells at the start of puberty. 

Name two types of food linked to healthy brains (be specific). 

- Greeny Leafy Vegetables

- Asparagus, bell peppers, sweet potato, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, eggplant, cabbage 

- Berries

- Nuts

- Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa) 

- Legumes (beans, chickpeas) 

- Fish 


Name two hygiene activities that you should do every day. 

- Brush teeth (2x day) 

- Change clothes- underwear 

- Wash face/body 

- Put on deodorant/antiperspirants 

- brush your hair  


True or False: Everyone dreams every night. 

True. Though many people fail to remember their dreams, dreaming does occur for every person, every night. 

Name two vigorous intensity (i.e makes you breath so hard you won't be able to say more than a few words without needing to catch your breath) physical activities. 

- Most sports

- Running/jogging

- swimming laps 

- aerobics


- jumping rope

- weight lifting

- hiking


True or False: washing your face with face wash every day can help control pimples. 

True. Skin will become more oily during puberty. But, do not overwash or it will dry out your skin. 


Healthy bacteria in the gut produce ___% of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which affects mood. 

90%. There are links between a healthy gut and reduced rates of depression. 


Name two strategies to get more active. 

- Start small i.e just 5 minutes a day

- Workout with a friend

- Find activities that you enjoy 

-Reward yourself for exercising 

- Schedule a workout for when your energy is highest 


How many hours of sleep a night do teens need?



For health benefits, youth aged 12-17 should accumulate at least how many minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily. 

60 minutes. 


True or False: You do not need soap if you are using a bath bomb. 

False. Bath bombs do not have antibacterial properties that soap does. 


What has more caffeine- a grande coffee at Starbucks or a redbull? 

The starbucks coffee- 225 mg of caffeine vs. 80 mg in the redbull 

Name one healthy eating tip to reduce stress. 

- Eat regularly, avoid skipping meals

- eat a nutrient-packed, high fibre diet 

- make mealtime a chance to slow down and relax 

- cut down on caffeine 

 - drink lots of water 

- have healthy snacks ready to avoid stress eating 


What percentage of teens have sleep difficulty? (Within 10%) 



Name one mental health benefit to physical activity. 

- Release of endorphins "feel good' chemical

- relieves tension and stress

- helps you sleep better 

- good distraction 

- mindful and grounding 

-feel better about yourself 


Name one reason why we need to complete our personal hygiene routines. 

- Social 

- Prevent infection/disease 

- Reduce chance of cavities 

- To feel good 


Teengares 13 years and old should have a maximum of ____ mg of caffeine per day. 

100 mg 


Create one self-care S.M.A.R.T goal that can be done while in hospital.