Triggers that may impact your attitude and behavior. May lead to destruction.
Things you can do to promote your health and well-being.
Increased Anxiety, Depression, and _____.
Working out, Yoga, Cross-fit, Jogging, Playing or Walking your pets.
The three self-care solutions are:
Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual.
Extreme tiredness, tension, or worry.
Support System
a network of people you can rely on.
Poor or ______ sleep.
Eating healthy, replenishing foods for energy and staying hydrated.
Laughter would be considered a good ______.
De-stressor or 'medicine'.
Inability to successfully function; Personally, Professionally, or Socially.
Neglecting basic needs such as; personal hygiene, appropriate clothing, feeding, or not taking care of their medical conditions.
Physical Ailment
Muscle tensions, headaches, poor digestion, or constant tiredness.
Medical Care
Attending your needed appointments and taking your medication.
Creative, relaxing activities include:
Painting, drawing, music, journaling, outdoor walks, fishing, or gardening.
Relived Traumas
Re-experiencing past traumas caused by triggers.
Spiritual Care
Practicing your faith, reading books, connecting with nature, etc.
________ and not being able to catch up or keep up with your situation.
Feeling Overwhelmed
Getting __ hours of sleep.
Self-Care matters because
it enables you to be your best self.
T/F: A helpful reminder would be "Others have it worst".
Emotional Care
Caring for your emotional needs by identifying what it is you're feeling and then moving forward in a way that honors yourself and those emotions.
T/F: Time management is not considered setting a healthy boundary.
T/F: Practicing self-care may promote stressors, burnout, and fatigue.
T/F: Walking barefoot is a spiritual way to connect with nature.