Self Control at School
Self Control with Actions
Self Control with Emotions
Self Control
If you have something to say in class, you should ___ ___ ____. 

Raise your hand. 


What should you look like in the hallways?

Walking (not running!)

Quiet voices

Hands to yourself


You really want to talk about your weekend but it's math time. 

What should you do?

Wait until class is over

Talk at recess or lunch


What is Self Control?

Self control is doing what is right even when you don't feel like it.


What can you do if you are starting to feel out of control at school?

Ask to go get water to calm down, take deep breathes, ask to talk with the School Counselor or School Social Worker.


What does self control look like?

Students who have self-control are students who raises their hand to speak, uses kind words, plays fair, takes turns, walks quietly in the hallway, uses their inside voice, respects classroom equipment, and keeps hands & feet to self.


You see a pen on a friend's desk and want to use it. 

What should you do?

Leave it alone, Ask permission, or find another one


When you are in the cafeteria - What should your voice level be at?

Quiet just talking to the students at your table


You feel angry when a friend laughs at your artwork.

What should you do?

Count to 10, ignore them, talk it out


Name 3 ways you can control your actions.

No hitting, no pushing, no yelling, remain still, lay your head down, sit down and relax, find a quiet place, stop and think


Your teacher says it's time to put your laptops away, but you don't want to. 

What should you do?

Listen, put the laptop away


During work time, you want to get up and talk with a friend. 

What should you do?

Keep quiet, sit still, don't interrupt others

Wait until class is over and talk during recess or lunch


You are angry when a friend starts cheating in a game.

What should you do?

Count to 10, relax, talk it out, tell the friend to play fair, ask an adult for help, go back over the rules


A student calls someone a crybaby who is crying. 

Is she using self-control? 



A student called out in class when the teacher didn't call on them. 

Is she using self-control? 



A friend dares you to trip another friend to make others laugh. 

What should you do?

A friend dares you to trip another friend to make others laugh. 

What should you do?


A student feels angry with a friend so they walk away. 

Are they using self-control? 



When you win a game, what should you say to your opponent? 

Good game. Good job.