when some yells and screams at you besides being angry you can also feel
What is hurt
Ability to regulate ones behavior
What is self control
when you have repetitive and persistent behaviors that interrupt others in a group or classroom setting
What is impulse control
deep breaths, take time out , meditate, remove yourself from the situation
What is how to control anger
how can you take responsibility for your part in an argumen
What is by using I statements
what type of feelings do you feel when you get angry at someone
what is feeling a fast heart beat or rapid pulse
To stay in the present and don't worry about yesterday, today, or the future just right now
What is mindfulness
when you don't raise your hand to talk or get out of your seat
What is disrespectful
what are some tools you have learned to deal with your anger frustration and your different types of feelings
What are coping skills
getting up on time, being ready when the bus is there to pick you up, doing all your work, and taking care of yourself
What is responsibility.
What type of feelings do you feel when you get happy
you could feel a good sense of pleasure or even start to think positive
to yell at some one, talk while others are talking, interrupting people in mid-sentence, and talking over someone.
What is cross talk.
when you are verbally mean to some one if they are not the same as you or different.
What is bullying
some one who does not agree with you and what you believe or fell whether it be religion background clothes or style
What is a conflict in values
Being kind, being courteous, helping new people in your group helping others following all rules respecting all staff and peers, participating and engaging with discussions.
What is a group leader
What type of feelings do you feel when you are jealous of something
what is feeling insecure
To make sure all your work is done to make sure you are following all rules of group and raising your hand at all times to speak or get out of your seat to participate and treat others as you would have them treat you.
What is following all group rules
What is an act of improper usage or treatment of a person or thing often to unfairly or improperly gain bene fit
What is abuse either physical verbal or emotional
what are some things you can do when you have a feeling like you are going to lose control.
Take a time out, meditate tapping, be mindful of your feelings.
when you take time out to do things you like such as video, riding bikes or skateboards, talking to your friends while walking out doors, swimming, hiking, coloring, playing with a pet, going to a park
What is self care.
What type of feelings do you get when you feel embarrassment
What is Blushing, sweating, nervousness
To be a leader, help other student when they need it following directions from all staff learning to be respectful in group and class following and knowing all group rules.
What is leveling up.
What is any unwelcome behavior or comments made by one person to another
What is harassment
To follow someone around with out them wanting you to, to call them or go to there house with out them wanting you to. for the other person to know what and where you are at all time with out you wanting them to. (except your parents)
what is stalking
Dressing nicely, talking proper, taking care of yourself, being polite and courteous, not getting into the wrong thins such as crowds or illicit substances
What is respecting yourself