Who is the most important person in your ARD meeting?
Why is it important to know how to make responsible decisions?
To take charge of your future, take charge of your transition program, and take charge of your dreams and goals.
What are the 4 outcomes?
Employment, Education and training, Independent living, and Rec and Leisure.
S stands for?
A detailed list of things you need to reach your goal is?
A plan
Skills you need to know to get from high school life to adult life are? (Vocabulary)
Transition Skills
What are 3 types of decisions?
No decision, snap decision, responsible decision.
Employment outcome is?
What you expect to do for work after NETS.
M stands for?
What does NETS stand for?
North East Transition Services
Making decisions and plans to help get you to adult life are? (Vocabulary)
Transition Planning
What is a no decision?
Others decide what you will do.
Education and training outcome is?
What type of school or training you expect after NETS.
A stands for?
Achievable or attainable
What does IEP stand for?
Individual Education Plan
Name someone who should attend your ARD meeting.
YOU, case manager, teacher, District rep, friends, parents
What is a snap decision?
A quick choice you make without considering results.
Independent Living outcome is?
Where you expect to live after NETS.
R stands for?
Realistic or relevant
When do you start the transition process?
In high school
Who is in charge of your future?
What is a responsible decision?
Considering others and your future when making a decision.
Rec and Leisure outcome is?
Hoe you expect to spend your free time and money after NETS.
T stands for?
Time Bound
Who is the best teacher at NETS?
Mr. D.