Being driven to fulfill tasks, skills or goals that the individual finds important or beneficial, in order to achieve success.
Monitoring, and controlling one's self to stay determined and on task in carrying out decisions, and plans.
What is Self-Regulation
Aidan keeps track of when his assignments are due and checks them off when they are complete
What is Self-Regulation
The process in which the individual must plan, and create ways or steps in order to achieve a final objective.
Being knowledgeable as to what the individual is capable of doing in terms of their strengths and what may limit them.
What is Self-Awareness/ Self-Knowledge
Joseph chooses between two drinks at snack time
What is Choice Making
Deciding what is in one's best interest to reach goals by making efficient choices that will allow them to be successful with their chosen outcome.
The internal believe that one can control the outcomes that are important to their life. (Ownership)
What is Internal Locus of Control
Dani planned to go to high school and graduate from York College with a degree in teaching
What is Goal Setting and Attainment
Working through situations or challenges that require applying one's self to find ways to resolve the issue/s that they are being faced with.
Taking initiative and acting on one's own behalf to satisfy needs, and wants that hold beneficial outcomes.
At his IEP meeting Brian tells the team that he wants to take history classes.
What is Self-Advocacy