Benefits of Self Discipline
Do these Situations display Self Discipline?

What kind of mindset should I have to become more self-disciplined?

Growth mindset


What is self discipline?

The ability to control yourself without anybody else telling you what to do?


True or False: You can achieve your goals with self-discipline

True, you just have to be consistent and committed.


Texting your friends while doing homework (They shared a cool reel)

No, because you have to finish the work you started. You could notify your friend that you have homework to complete which they should understand.


Can you have a friend along the journey to help you with your goals?

Yes, they can help push you and you can push them to pursue and continue even when it’s hard.


What are smart goals?

A common tool used to enhance self-discipline, this involves setting specific, measurable, achievable, and time-bound goals.


True or False: Self-discipline helps you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

True. By being self disciplined, you are likely more organized with your schedule and plan out the day to have time for yourself and work.


Depending on others to wake you up.

No because you are not being responsible for yourself and need others to help you out.


True or False: You should commit to one big goal.

False, it’s better to make smaller goals that can lead up to the bigger one. 


True or False: Self-discipline is a trait that cannot be developed.

False, self-discipline can be developed and strengthened over time.


How does self-discipline improve your mental health?

Self confidence helps you gain independence and control of your behavior which can help you pursue your interests and what you enjoy


Reading a book

Yes, it allows you to get off your device, have some time for yourself and allow learning.


Someone says "I’ll wait until it’s time." What are your thoughts?

You should embrace every moment and try to do your best work. You can figure it out along the way.


True or False: Self-discipline means never making mistakes or failing.

False, it involves learning from mistakes and persevering despite failures.


Can self-discipline increase stress?

No, instead it decreases stress and manages stress levels, promoting better mental health.  


One more reel and/or episode before bed!

No. You should realize that sleep is vital for how you function the next day. It is your responsibility to ensure you have the best sleep and turning off the tv or phone to go to bed is the best thing you can do for yourself.


You failed at folding an origami crane 3 times. You want to give up. What strategy is this?

Instead of giving up, use failures as learning lessons. 


What kind of motivation should you have for a goal? Give an example too.

Intrinsic ex.

Extrinsic ex.


Describe how self discipline correlates with any of the 4 core values

  1. Respect: Respect yourself and others

  2. Responsibility: Help you manage your time 

  3. Honesty: Be honest with yourself on what you have to improve 

  4. Caring: Improve your mental health and physical health


Taking a 10 minute break when you get home

Yes because it allows you to unwind before the next task. It also benefits your mental health and makes yourself more responsible to use your time wisely.