Low Self-Esteem
Improving Self-Esteem
How Low Self-esteem in Maintained
Biased Expectations
Negative Self-Evaluations

This is how we view and think about ourselves and the value that we place on ourselves as a person.

What is Self-Esteem?


The ideas of ourselves, the judgements that we make of, and the value we place on, ourselves as people are BLANK, not facts.

What are opinions?


There are things that we do everyday that maintain our BLANK, long after the negative experiences that generated them have passed

What are negative core beliefs?


This occurs when it looks likely that a person's unhelpful rule or assumption will be broken.

What is Biased expectations?


BLANK involves: being highly self-critical, putting negative labels on yourself, and making sweeping generalizations about yourself and your abilities.

What are Negative self-evaluations?


This can have a negative impact on a person (eg., self-criticism and high distress) and a negative impact on their life (eg., work, relationships, recreation time, self-care)

What is Low-self esteem?


Beliefs about ourselves are learned as a result of the experiences we have had in our lives, especially our BLANK.

What are early life experiences?


These situations where your unhelpful rules and assumptions are at risk of being broken or are broken outright. When this occurs, negative core beliefs and dormant low self-esteem become activated.

What are ‘At-Risk Situations’?


Complete this sentences: Biased expectations involve: BLANK the likelihood that something bad will happen and how bad the consequences will be, as well as BLANK your ability to cope.


Biased expectations involve: overestimating the likelihood that something bad will happen and how bad the consequences will be, as well as underestimating your ability to cope


Some people think that being critical of yourself is a good thing, but at the end of the day, it is an BLANK and BLANK way to treat yourself.

What is unhelpful and unfair way to treat yourself?


These are deep-seated, basic, negative beliefs about oneself are often taken as facts or truths about who they are as a person.

What is Low Self-Esteem?


This means that our experiences in our childhood, family of origin, the society we lived in, schools we went to, and with our peers have BLANK.

What is influenced our thoughts and beliefs ourselves.


When your negative core beliefs are activated, they lead you to either expect that things will not turn out well (eg., biased expectations) or become highly critical of yourself (eg., negative self-evaluations). Both types of thoughts will lead you to engage in BLANK and feel BLANK like anxiety or depression.

What are unhelpful behaviors and unhelpful emotions?


One way to overcome biased expectations is to challenge or dispute them using a BLANK. This involves identifying what you are expecting, challenging your expectations, and developing more realistic expectations.

What is a Thought Diary?


Promoting more balanced self-evaluations requires listing your BLANK. This might be difficult because you have never really paid attention to them or you feel uncomfortable acknowledging them

What are positive qualities?


Having a negative view of oneself is a symptom may cause this mental illness. 

What is Depression?


“I am stupid.”  “I’m not good enough."  “I’m not important.”  “I’m unlovable.”  “I’m fat and ugly.”  “I’m unacceptable.”  “I’m good for nothing.”  “I am evil.” These are examples of.

What are Negative Core Beliefs?


These are examples of how to do what.

􀂃 The way we process information in our environment (eg., our attention and interpretation)

􀂃 The restricting behavior our unhelpful rules and assumptions generate (eg., no opportunity to put negative core beliefs to the test)

􀂃 Our responses in ‘At-Risk Situations’ (eg., biased expectations and negative self-evaluations)

How Low self-esteem is maintained?


Biased expectations will lead to certain types of unhelpful behaviors such as BLANK and unhelpful emotions such as BLANK.

What are avoidance, escape and safety behaviors and anxiety, nervousness, fear, doubt, uncertainty emotions?


One way to overcome negative self-evaluations is to challenge or dispute them using a BLANK. This involves identifying your negative self-evaluations, challenging your negative self-evaluations, and developing more balanced self-evaluations.

What is a Thought Diary?


These are examples of what.

Saying a lot of negative things about oneself.

Putting oneself down, doubting oneself, or blaming oneself when things go wrong.

Inability to recognize positive qualities in oneself.

Affect a person's performance at work or school or they might avoid challenges.

They might not believe that they do not deserve any pleasure or fun.

Avoid activities where they could be judged or evaluated in some way, such as competitive sports, dancing, art/craft classes or participating in any type of competition or exhibition.

Will not dress neatly, wear clean clothes, style their hair or buy new clothes.

Feeling very guilty and worthless almost all the time.

What is the IMPACT of low self-esteem?


Negative Life Experiences    ----->  Negative Core Beliefs about Yourself ----> Unhelpful Rules & Assumptions----->Unhelpful Behavior -----> Negative Core Beliefs about self. 

This is an example of what. 

What is the Model of low self-esteem?


Overcoming low self-esteem involves addressing the factors in the here-and-now that maintain low self-esteem. The strategies used to address these factors come from a style of therapy known as BLANK, which involves changing unhelpful thinking and behavior patterns to change how you feel.

What is cognitive behavioral therapy?


Another way to overcome biased expectations is to BLANK with them. This involves planning BLANK to test the accuracy of your expectations, and is based on identifying your unhelpful behaviors and engaging in more helpful behavior. It will often involve behaving in a manner inconsistent with what you are expecting (eg., approaching challenges, and stopping avoidance, escape, and safety behaviors).

What is experiment on them?


To make your positive qualities real and something that has an impact on you, complete the BLANK. This is where you think of examples of things you have done in the past, which demonstrate the positive qualities you have identified. It is also where you note specific things you do everyday and the positive qualities these behaviors highlight.

What is a Positive You Journal?