What is Self-Esteem?
An assessment of your own personal value as a human being.
What are affirmations?
These can be used to "train your brain" to think in positive ways.
What is one thing people with low self-esteem worry about?
Their appearance/ How others see them or feel about them/ being a burden/ etc
I can choose to try to think more positive and neutral thoughts.
(True or False)
This has 4 legs, 2 arms, and is not alive.
A chair
Self-worth has nothing to do with your self-esteem.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?
This is the most effective treatment for individuals with low self-esteem.
Can depression and anxiety be related to your self-esteem?
Who can be affected by low self-esteem?
This has to be broken before you can use it.
an egg
What is self-concept?
The way you see yourself.
What is mindfulness?
In this mode of therapy, people are taught/encouraged to become more aware of the present moment, with an attitude of openness, curiosity, and non-judgment.
How can I like myself more? Mentions 3
Identify things that you are good at.
Identify things that you like to do.
Focus on the things that you like about yourself.
Where does Self-Esteem come from? Mentions 3
Parents, teacher and others.
The voice in your head.
Learning to do things.
If I have it, I don't share it.
If I share it, I don't have it.
A secret
Who are people that are most important in your life?
This group can have the largest impact on your self-esteem.
Changing negative thoughts to positive ones has no impact on your self-esteem.
(True or False)
Do you think COVID-19 had an impact on children's self-esteem levels?
What is the percentage of people in the world are impacted by low self-esteem?
I'm tall when I'm young, and short when I'm old.
A candle
What are some types of media that can have an impact on your self esteem?
Social media, TV, Movies, Magazines, Advertisements, and more.
Can self esteem be made up of how you view yourself in which are of your life?
Body image, academic performance, peer relationships/friendships, family relationships, talents and abilities, and more.
What are two emotions people with low self-esteem experience?
Guilt and Shame
What you can do before go bed to help you with self-esteem?
Try to find at least three good things that happened to you that day.
David's parents have 3 sons. Their names are Snap, Crackle, and ________.