What are Values?
Things that are important to you.
Define Personality
How you think, feel, and act.
What is professional fulfillment?
Do what you like to do you will be happy and the people around you will be happy.
Define Decision
A choice that is made about things that affect a persons life.
What is a bad example of a goal?
(answers may vary)
Define Self Awareness
knowing yourself, your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions.
When you know your _____,you can figure out the best way to learn something new
learning style
What is knowledge of current events?
Knowledge about what is going on outside your world. -don’t live in a bubble
What is a career evaluation chart?
A chart showing the pluses and minuses of a career alternative for,each career
What are the different kinds of goals?
Define Self Image
the way you know yourself
List 3 out of the 7 learning styles
1. Verbal linguistic learners
2. Logical mathematical learners
3. Visual Spatial learners
4. musical rhythmic learners
5. Bodily kinesthetic learners
6. Interpersonal learners
7. Naturalistic Learners
What are communication skills?
The ability to talk to anyone anywhere about anything, anytime.
What are the different types of decisions?
-routine decisions
-major decisions
What are some benefits of having a SMART Goal
-Defines what you want to accomplish
- Allows you to celebrate your success
- Challenges you to exceed expectations
-Can measure your progress
What are 5 of the 9 values that can be important to you?
1. Altruism
2. Creativity
3. Achievement
4. Independence
5. Prestige
6. Financial Success
7. Security
8. Surroundings
9. Variety
Define Talent
your natural gifts
Define success
the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
What are the steps to a decision making process?
1. Knowing yourself
2. Explore options
3. Evaluate
4. Decide
Name the types of goals and how long it takes to accomplish them
1. Short Term: within 3 months
2. Medium term: 3 months to a year
3. Long term: 1 to 10 years
What are Job-specific skills and Transferable skills? Give 2 examples for each.
Job-specific skills- abilities you need to do a specific job.
Transferable skills- are general abilities like reading and writing.
define skills
things you know how to do
What are the 8 key indicators of success?
1. Communication skills
2. Large vocabulary
3. Knowledge of Current event
4. Listening skills
5. Diverse Knowledge
6. Personal contacts
7. Community involvement
8. Professional Fulfillment
What are the 7 different decision making personality types?
1. Agonize
2. Mystic
3. Fatalist
4. Evader
5. Plunger
6. Submissive
7. Planner
What does each letter of the SMART acronym stand for?
Time bound