Which of the following is an example of Self Control?
A. Raising your hand before answering a question
B. Keeping your hands to yourself when you're upset.
C. Saying thank you to someone who bought you a horrible gift.
D. None of the above
E. All of the Above
What is self Esteem?
The way you see yourself
what is self confidence?
How you feel about the skills that you have.
True or false: If you don't respect yourself then no one will respect you.
True, if you don't like yourself others will probably treat you the same way.
What strategies can you use to have self control in a frustrating situation?
Counting to 10, walking away, etc
How are self confidence and self esteem related?
They both involve what you think about yourself and what capable of doing but the difference is self esteem is overall how feel about yourself and self confidence is how feel about a particular skill that your have- e.g. you can high self confidence in your basketball skills but low self esteem overall
True or False: You can fake or act like you have self confidence when you are nervous.
True or False: Self control is having control over your own actions as well control over the actions of your friend during a argument
What is False?
Which of the following is an example of high self esteem?
A. Saying I'm 'dumb' when you an answer a question wrong.
B. Worrying about what other people think of you.
C. Understanding your strengths and weakness and setting goals to continue to improve yourself.
D. None of the above
E. All of the Above
What are strategies that you can use to build yourself confidence?
What is practicing the particular skills, working hard, doing your best.
How do you show self-respect to your self?
Good hygiene, exercising, eating healthy and not putting your self down are some of the ways to have self respect.
What are strategies you can use to have self control in an exciting situation?
1.Not yelling out.
True or False
Having negative self-feelings is self esteem and having positive self feelings is self respect?
What is false
How is it possible to have high self confidence in one area but overall have low self esteem?
You maybe good at one thing which helps your self esteem but you also may struggle in many other areas.