Healthy Coping skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills

What do you use when you are feeling or having big emotions and you want them to go away? 

Coping skills


Talking about it, asking for help, drawing, exercising, listening to music, accepting, forgiving, letting it go- these are examples of what?

Healthy coping skills


What are examples of unhealthy coping skills?

Hitting someone or something, denial, isolation, all or nothing thinking, blaming


What are the outcomes of using healthy coping skills?

We feel better 


Everyone uses A LOT of these when they want to calm themselves down. 

Coping skills


Can help you feel better and move on is the definition of what?

Healthy coping skills


What do unhealthy coping skills do?

Make you feel worse and can get you into trouble


What happens when you use withdrawal to cope with your feelings?

You could being to feel alone 


What are some examples of healthy coping skills?

Writing about how you feel, asking someone you trust for help, drawing, exercising, listening to music etc.


When should you use healthy coping skills?

When you are feeling angry, sad, afraid, etc.


What should you start to do if you continue using unhealthy coping skills?

Pick 1 or 2 unhealthy habits to start to unlearn and replace them with practicing healthy coping skills

What are some other consequences for using unhealthy coping skills?

You can get in trouble, you can feel like everything is crashing down on you, which is overwhelming, you can hurt people and lose friendships, etc.


Brittney said that if she was not the best player on her basketball team then she must be the worst. What unhealthy coping skill was Brittney using?

All or nothing thinking. 


What do you have to do in order to know what will works for you to calm down when you need to? 

Learn different coping skills that work for you. 


What are some coping skills someone can use to make them feel better when something goes wrong?  

Take deep breaths, count to 10, go for a walk, etc, 


Why are negative coping skills unhealthy?

Because they only bring short term relief and usually make us feel worse.


What are the healthy consequences for using healthy coping skills?

You get support and come up with solutions, you can learn to put your emotions into positive things that can improve your mood and help you to feel good about yourself, you can feel at peace and move on, you can improve your friendships


Anna was feeling nervous because she heard rumors that her good friend did not like her anymore. She decided to write about her feelings in her journal.  Was this a healthy or unhealthy choice for Anna to use to calm herself down?

Journal writing is a healthy coping skill


Are there unhealthy coping skills and if so, can you unlearn them?

Yes there are unhealthy coping skills such as getting into a fight, hitting someone that upsets you etc, 

Yes, you can unlearn unhealthy coping skills and replace them with healthy ones.


What are clues to know when it's time to use my healthy coping skills?

When you start to feel like you are losing control of your behavior or your emotions


Why do people use unhealthy coping skills?

They haven't learned or developed healthy ones


What are some more consequences for using healthy coping skills?

You can feel understood and you can understand others better, you don't hold onto grudges 


Brandon was feeling angry at school today and claimed that everyone was giving him dirty looks. Was Brandon using a healthy or unhealthy coping skill?  

Unhealthy coping skill.