Healthy Coping skills
Unhealthy Coping Skills

Anything you do when you have big emotions and you are trying to make them go away

Coping skills


Talking about it, asking for help, drawing, exercising, listening to music, accepting, forgiving, letting it go- these are examples of what?

Healthy coping skills


What are examples of unhealthy coping skills?

Hitting someone or something, denial, isolation, all or nothing thinking, blaming


What are the consequences of using healthy coping skills?

We feel better about ourselves


Tony felt embarrassed at school when his classmates made fun of him for messing up his words when it was his time to read. Tony accepted that he was feeling embarrassed, asked his teacher to help him after school, and listened to music to feeling better

What healthy coping skills did Tony use?

Name his emotion ( You have to name it to tame it), asked for help and listened to music


Everyone has hundreds, even thousands of these?

Coping skills


Can help you feel better and move on is the definition of what?

Healthy coping skills


What do unhealthy coping skills do?

Make you feel worse and can get you into trouble


What happens when you are loud, use mean words, or hurt others to cope with your feelings?

You often become more upset and the people around you become more upset. It takes longer to solve the problem and takes longer to feel better.


Lisa does not like the work the teacher is giving her. She starts throwing items at other students then starts yelling at staff.

What should she do instead?

Take space, ask for help, ask to do the work somewhere else in the classroom. 


What are examples of healthy coping skills?

Writing about how you feel, asking someone you trust for help, drawing, exercising, listening to music


When should you use healthy coping skills?

When you are feeling angry, sad, afraid, etc.


What should you start to do if you continue using unhealthy coping skills?

Pick 1 or 2 unhealthy habits to start to unlearn and replace them with practicing healthy coping skills

What are some other consequences for using unhealthy coping skills?

You can get in trouble, you can feel like everything is crashing down on you, which is overwhelming, you can hurt people and lose friendships, etc.


Jon wanted to be first in line and first to do everything but it was not his day to be first. Jon got upset, yelled at, and pushed people all day. He also called people mean names.

What should he do instead?

 Stop and think before you act. Ask when it will be your turn to be first and then be patient. Take a break in the calming corner. Take deep breaths. Do an activity alone at your desk until you calm down.


How does someone get a healthy coping skill?

They learn them


What are two coping skills tools I can make so I am prepared when I have a bad day?

Coping skills wheel and coping skills tool box


Why are negative coping skills(yelling, hitting, pushing, mean words, throwing, etc.) unhealthy?

Because they do not solve the problem. They make me and those around feel worse.


What are the healthy consequences for using healthy coping skills?

You get support and come up with solutions, you can learn to put your emotions into positive things that can improve your mood and help you to feel good about yourself, you can feel at peace and move on, you can improve your friendships


Daniel was given a writing assignment that looked really hard. He got really angry, tore the paper, pushed chair over, and ran around the room while hitting people he ran by.

What should be have done?

He could have said "This is hard. I need help." He can remember that the more he practices writing the easier it gets. He could ask to take space. He could also ask to do his work in a different area.


Are there unhealthy coping skills and if so, can you unlearn them?

Yes, and you can unlearn by practicing using healthy coping skills


What are clues to know when it's time to use my healthy coping skills?

When you start to feel like you are losing control of your behavior or your emotions


Why do people use unhealthy coping skills?

They haven't learned healthy ones or need to practice the ones they have learned more.


What are some more consequences for using healthy coping skills?

You can feel understood and you can understand others better, you don't hold onto grudges 


It's time for iReady but Ken does not want to do it. He slams his laptop shut and then throws it.

What should he have done instead?

Ken should have asked for help, asked to take a break, or asked to break it down into smaller chunks