Different Aspects of
Coping Strategies
Should I? or should I not?

You start to feel angry when your friend spills juice all over you. Before reacting, you stop and think to calm your emotions.

       What type of Self Regulation is this?

What is Emotions?


What is ‘Baby Yoda’s’ real name?

What is Grogu?


What coping strategy do you use when you feel stressed?

What is any Healthy coping strategy like walking, music, journaling etc.


Someone gives you a compliment. You smile and say "Thanks".

You should. This makes others want to be around you and gives others good thoughts.


Which fast-food chain is known for its golden arches?

What is Mcdonalds?


Your in the Kitchen and you see a donut and apple. Instead of  grabbing the donut you eat the apple instead.

What of type  of Self Regulation is this?

What is Impluse Control?


Which animal can be seen on the Porsche logo?

What is A Horse?


Doing this helps our brain start to process what's going on and what me might need to feel better.

What is explaining how you feel to others? 


You decide you already know what your history teacher is talking about. You pull out a different book and begin to read.

You shouldn't. Its important to be attentive in class


Name four ways you can practice self regulation?

Excerise, meditation, journaling, being accountable, getting enough sleep, and being self aware


There is guy in the class, who is always mean to to you and  always bumps into you/calls your names. You decided to stand up tell him to stop his behavior and inform your teacher.

What type of Self Regulation is this?

What is Problem solving?


How many bones do sharks have?



This is something you do by using your senses to count things around you?

What is grounding techniques (Using your 5 senses to reduce stress/anxiety)


You become frustrated when people interrupt you. You put your head down on the desk and complete ignore everyone.

You shouldn't.It is important to be patience


What does it mean to be Self aware?

What is the ability to recognize and understand your own thoughts, feelings and emotions


You have a big test tomorrow at school. The night before you spend most evening studying and get an A on your test!

What type of Self Regulation is this?

Focus and Attention


What is the only Pokemon that Ash and Misty both owned?

What is seaking


If you are fighting with someone and things are getting too intense you might need to do this

What is taking space or walk away?


A classmate asks you to text her answers to a math test. She promises to give you $5 if you do. You text her the answers.

You shouldn't. This is against the rules. and is considered cheating


What is the largest mammal in the world?

What is the Blue Whale?


You sleep for 8 hours each day and wake up  to follow set daily routine.

What type of Self Regulation is this?

What is Self Care?


 What kind of animal is Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants?

Despite his name, he’s actually an octopus.


Which of these is a positive coping skill A. Keeping your feelings locked inside. B. Going for a run C. Denial of problems D.Breaking things

What is B


You are at a birthday party. You feel uncomfortable but you tell yourself that it will get easier as the party progresses.

You should. This will help you feel more confident and make others want to be around you as well as help you make and keep friends.


What is Emotional Intelligence?

The abilty to understand, use, and manage your emotions in a postive way