
I failed this test. I'm just not smart enough for this subject. 

This test was tough, but I can learn from my mistakes and do better next time. I know I can improve with practice.


I made an embarrssing comment in class. Now everyone thinks I'm dumb. 

Everyone makes mistakes. One comment doesn't define me. I'll learn from this and move on. 


I studied so hard and still got a bad grade. I must not be capable. 

It's frustrating, but I can use this as a chance to see what I missed and improve. One grade doesn't reflect all my abilities. 


I'm not ready for this new challenge. I'll probably mess it up. 

It's okay to be nervous, but I've handled challenges before. I can give this my best shot and learn as I go. 


Tell me a time when you got rejected from a team, friend group, or from something else.

Now, change that to a positive self-talk 


Tell me a time when in class you've felt you couldn't do something. 

Now, change it to positive self-talk. 


Nobody likes me, I'll never make friends.

It takes time to build friendships. I just need to be patient and open to meeting new people. I have qualities that people will appreciate. 


If I don't do what they want, they'll stop being my friends.

True friends will respect my decisions. I don't have to compromise my values to fit in. 


They didn't invite me. They must not like me. 

Just because I wasn't included this time doesn't mean they don't like me. There will be other chances to hang out, and I can make plans too. 


I don't look like everyone else. I hate the way I look. 

I don't need to look like everyone else to feel good about myself. I have unique qualities that make me who I am. 


There's too much homework. I'll never get this all done. I'm going to fail.

I can tackle one thing at a time. If I stay organized and focused, I can get through it. I'll ask for help if I need it. 


Tell me a time you did not agree with a friend. 

Now, change it to a more positive self-talk. 


I'll never be as talented as them. I shouldn't even bother trying. 

Everyone has their strengths, and so do I. I just need to focus on my own growth and what I'm passionate about. 


I don't like how my body looks. I wish I looked different. 

My body is unique and it helps me do so many things. I can appreciate my strengths and take care of myself. 


I'll never understand this subject. I'm just bad at it. 

This subject is tough, but I can learn it if I keep at it. Everyone struggles at first, and I can improve with time and effort. 

I'm always running late. I can never get anything done right. 

I've had some setbacks, but I can create better habits and learn to manage my time. It's a skills I can improve. 


I didn't get into the club. I must not be good enough. 

Rejection happens, and it doesn't define my worth. I'll find other opportunities or work on improving for next time. 


Tell me a time when you compared yourself to another. 

Now, how can you change that to a positive self-talk


I'm going to mess up in front of everyone. I'm terrible at speaking. 

It's okay to feel nervous, but I've prepared, and I can take it one step at a time. I can get better at speaking with practice. 


I'm so worried about the future. I don't think I'll be able to succeed in college or get a good job. 

It's okay to feel uncertain about the future. I'm doing my best now, and I'll figure things out as I go. I have time to grow and learn. 


I always procrastinate. I'm never going to get anything done on time. 

I can start now and make progress, even if it's small. I can learn to plan better and break tasks into smaller steps. 


I let them down. I'm always a disappointment. 

I made a mistake, but I can make it right. It doesn't define who I am. I'm working on becoming better. 


My friend is mad at me. I must be a terrible friend. 

Friendships have ups and downs. I'll communicate and try to fix things, and if it doesn't work, I'll learn from it and grow. 


Tell me a time when you failed a test or did not turn in homework. 

Now, change it to a positive self-talk

I'm not good enough to make the team. I shouldn't even try.

I might not make the team this time, but I can learn from the experience and keep improving. The effort I put in matters.