Help Now! strategies involve tuning into sensations in your ___________ to notice that you should use a calming strategy.
Being aware of sensations in our bodies helps us to not get ________ in the Hyperarounsal Zone or the Hypoarousal Zone.
Mindfulness involves paying _________.
What is the whole purpose of your nervous system?
To keep you alive
The Triangle of Awareness helps us to think about our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations as being all _________.
What is an example of a sensation in your body that might indicate that you need to use a strategy?
Heart rate has increased, you muscles are tense, your breathing has increased, you feel butterflies in your stomach, etc.
In the Zone of Resilience, you can still feel all of your _________(s), but you're not stuck.
When you are practicing mindfulness, you're paying attention on-___________.
Fight, flight, and freeze are examples of what of nervous system response?
Sympathetic or Stress Response
When I have a thought that "I'm not good enough," how might that impact our feelings and bodily sensations?
Might make us feel sad/down/disappointed, and then our body might feel sluggish/low energy.
A Help Now! Strategy
This Zone involves being stuck on "high," meaning that you are stuck feeling angry, rageful, panicky, etc.
Hyperarousal Zone
Mindfulness involves paying attention, on-purpose, in the ________ moment.
When I'm experiencing a bodily sensation that indicates that I'm feeling stressed (heart rate has gone up, muscles tense), how might that affect my thoughts and emotions?
I might have a hard time thinking about cause and effect/being rational, and I might experience worried thoughts ("I'm never going to feel calm again!").
When you use a Help Now! Strategy, you are activating which autonomic nervous system?
The Parasympathetic (Rest, Digest, Restore) Nervous System
This Zone involves being stuck on "low," meaning that you don't feel like you have a lot of energy, you're super tired, you might feel sluggish or depressed, etc.
Hypoarousal Zone
When one is practicing mindfulness, one practicing being non-__________.
When we are in Sympathetic or Stress Response, the parts of our brain that help us with reasoning and thinking about cause and effect go _____ line.
When I experience an emotion like worry, I might notice what happening to my thoughts and bodily sensations?
A worried thought might be "I'm going to fail this test" and a bodily sensation might be feeling like my stomach hurts, my muscles are clenched, and my breathing is fast.
Using Help Now! Strategies helps us stay in which Zone?
The Zone of Resilience
When you're in this Zone, you feel like you can manage stressful situations.
Zone of Resilience
What is an example of a mindfulness practice?
A breathing exercise, mindful eating, mindful walking, mindfully listening to sounds, etc.
We can develop diabetes, immune system dysfunction, obesity, heart problems, problems with our digestion, etc.
When I'm more ______ of my thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, I am more likely to use a _________ strategy to feel better.
Aware; coping strategy/mindfulness strategy/Help Now! strategy