What is the cost of the Internet Premier (Bundled) for a new customer?
T/F Unlimited Plus mobile customers are allowed 10 GB of personal hotspot data.
What is the cost of the never connected installation for a customer getting TV service?
How much is it for 2 mobile lines of Unlimited Plus, when bundled with Gig?
What does A.I.O.A Stand for?
Over come
Assume Again
Cx paying STANDARD rate for Internet Premier (standalone). You upgrade them to Gig w/ wifi, what is their new monthly rate?
Customer has By the Gig Mobile plan; how much do they pay for their service if they do not use more than 1 GB of data?
What is the cost of the DVR SERVICE fee for a customer with 3 DVR and cDVR+ for customer adding TV as new LOB?
Customer calls in with a standard rate Triple Play (TV Select/Internet Premier/Voice); what promos do they qualify for?
Free line of mobile
Plant Mobile Seed:
While I am getting some information on my screen, I do want to share with you that spectrum is Americas most reliable network including unlimited talk text and data with our spectrum mobile services.
T/F If Internet is in a bundle, the standard rate will be less than if they were unbundled.
How many gigs of full speed data can a customer use for a Hotspot with the Unlimited Plan?
5 Gigs
You can watch shows you record on cDVR+ on phsyical DVR boxes.
TV & HSI Cust calls in; how much will it cost them to add voice Service with SVI?
What does N.A.M.E stand for?
Name, Address, Mobile, Email
Existing SIA customer (Standalone-Yr 2) calls to upgrade to Internet Premier; how much will they be pay for Internet?
How much is the standard rate for the Mobile Unlimited Plan?
What add-on feature is not available on Xumo?
Pay Per View
2yr Promo TV Select Plus, 2 HD box, Internet Gig w/ Wifi. What is the MRR?
What is before your pitch when following call flow?
DISCOVERY (will accept linking statement)
What is the Competitive Spectrum One Offer ?
Internet Gig + Free Advanced WiFi + 1 Free Unlimited Mobile line: $50/mo. x 24 months
For Spectrum to payoff devices with other carriers a customer must sign up for how many lines of service.
What is needed to take advantage of caller ID on TV?
A Spectrum Reciver as well as TV
New cust calls in; What is MRR for TV Choice, 1 Xumo, Internet Gig, Wi-Fi and Spectrum voice?
What information about a customer can you find out from a conversational discovery?
Streaming apps, TV provider, streaming/TV content, household, mobile provider, devices, price