Lead Advantage
VB 101

What are the 3 modes of communication that we can use to build touches and what is the number of hours we should shoot for to follow up in?

1. Call

2. Drop

3. Email

48 hours


This one key feature separates our policies from major medical insurance... what is it?

We protect employees and pay directly to them!


"We already have benefits"

That's awesome, first off thank you for taking care of your people. I work with businesses all the time that have benefits in place, in those cases I simply like to take a look at what you have in place and make sure that you are paying the right amount & that the policies are accomplishing your goals and objectives... if those things are in place I will shake your hand and get out of here.


There are 4 bullet points listed as Colonial Life company strengths. Who can name 1 of them?

1. Colonial Life has been providing voluntary benefits for more than 80 years

2. We serve more than 85,000 businesses and 3.5 million workers

3. 95% of employees say that they are satisfied with our overall handling of their claim

4. 91% of brokers are likely to recommend our products and services


What is Lead Advantage?

System of follow up that guides how often we should be reaching out and ensures that our message is appropriate. 


This provides a benefit for an employee diagnosed with a covered illness, such as heart attack, stroke, coronary artery bypass surgery, end-stage renal failure or major organ transplant – among others.

Critical Illness


"Not Interested"

No worries, if you don't mind telling me are you not interested because this is a bad time or is it more of a cost issue?


What are the two policy types that are recommended to position early?

1. Accident: competitive, affordable, and easy to understand 

2. Dental: use it as a bridge to our other products.. boosts enrollment.


Know your statistics: what % of sales people follow up more than 2x?



This policy offers benefits to assist with out-of-pocket costs for a specific type of diagnosis that may not be covered by major medical. Coverage includes expenses related to inpatient or outpatient treatment, surgery, travel, and recovery care. Some plans may offer annual screenings to promote prevention and early detection.



"I don't have time for this"

No worries, I completely understand. When would be a better time to discuss this? I'll follow up with you then.


3 items are listed as to how we help with HR Administration.. who can name them?

1. Enrollment

2. Administrative Time Savings (GATHR)

3. Value-Add Programs


Leveraging lead advantage, we should be able to get to touch 5 and beyond in what timeline?

2 weeks!


This plan helps offset the unexpected medical expenses that may result from a covered incident. Typically, they cover some of the costs related to initial care, surgery, transportation, and lodging as well as follow up care. Think of it as a plan that prices out body parts.



Who are you?

My bad, I usually lead off with that! I'm your local Colonial Life agent, I work with businesses in the area and help them grow their business and retain key employees by offering full-service employee benefits. I was just hoping to make a connection with the person here that would be in charge of that decision making... is that you?


The goal of any DM2 is to close a case.. however, in doing so we also want to ensure we are receiving the best enrollment conditions possible.. why are enrollment conditions important and what is the vending maching approach?

Important because if proper enrollment conditions are received our benefit councilors are going to be more efficient and write more business. 

Vending Maching Approach:

1. Sit in the corner

2. Everybody gets an accident policy

3. Everybody gets $50 


Walk me through what a week of using lead advantage should look like on the white board... we did this yesterday (hint start with 120 leads)

120+ leads in the pipeline

100+ qualifying calls made  (this weeds out bad leads)

50+ drops made at remaining leads 

On Friday we send final follow ups for the week and replenish our pipeline. If we do this succesfulyl for 3-4 weeks you should have minimal cold calling activity left!


This policy is only available as a rider on our dental policy.

Vision Insurance

"Did you not see the no soliciting sign?"

Sorry, I must have missed that. But since I am here... do you mind if I ask you a few questions? I am from Colonial Life and we handle voluntary benefits packages for businesses just like yourself, often at no cost to the business. I don't want to take up much of your time at all was just hoping to hand my business card to whoever it is here that would handle the benefits decision making.


In the positioning guide, there are 3 ways listed as to how our products can specifically help companies. Name them..

1. Attract & Retain Talent

2. Employee Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Wellness

3. Employee Education