Intro to Selling
Approach &
Product Presentation
Overcome Objections
Close and Suggest
The kind of question a salesperson should ask.
What is an open-ended question?
The approach that describes a salesperson asking, "How may I help you?"
What is the service approach?
The three kinds of product features.
What are basic, physical, and extended? Bonus: Double the points if you correctly describe each kind.
Customer objections are ___________ [never, sometimes, always] helpful.
What is "always"?
The difference between cross-selling and up-selling.
What is: cross-selling is offering related merchandise, up-selling is offering more of the same product or a better quality product?
The purpose of selling.
What is: any form of direct contact between a salesperson and a customer?
The approach used when the customer already shows interest in a product.
What is the merchandise approach?
The feature type that describes the statement: coffee wakes you up.
What is a basic feature?
The method used to overcome an objection when the customer's objection is based on misinformation.
What is the denial method?
The step that would describe: a salesperson offering a scarf to match a hat.
What is suggestion selling?
The definition of a selling point.
What is: the function of a product feature and how it benefits the customer?
The buying motive that includes social approval, power, love, fear and prestige.
What is emotional?
The price point of the first product you show a customer.
What is a moderately priced product?
The 2nd and 3rd steps of the four step method for handling objections. Hint: the first step is "Listen Carefully" and the fourth is "Answer Objection".
What are "Acknowledge the Objection" and "Restate the Objection"
The definition of buying signals.
What is: the things customers say or do to indicate a readiness to buy?
The seven steps to selling.
What are: 1) approach, 2) determine needs, 3) present the product, 4) overcome objections, 5) close the sale, 6) suggestion selling, 7) build relationships
The three ways we can determine needs.
What are: listening, questioning, and observing?
The advantages or personal satisfaction a customer will get from a good or service.
What are customer benefits?
The difference between objections and excuses.
What is: objections are reasons (concerns, hestitations, doubts) for not making a purchase, where excuses are reasons given when the customer has no intention of buying.
The name for the act of looking for new customers.
What is prospecting?
The purpose of selling.
What is: to help customers make satisfying buying decisions and create ongoing, profitable relationships with customers?
Questions that should not be asked of a customer.
What are: questions that might embarrass customers, or too many question in a row?
A way to get the customer to feel ownership over the product.
What is have the customer hold the product?
The name and explaination of a common objection.
What is: Need - no immediate need for the product. Product - quality, color, size, style. Source - based on past experiences. Price - high-quality, expensive merchandise. OR Time - hesitation to buy immediately. ?
This type of close is done by asking a customer to make a decision between two items. ("Which one do you prefer?")
What is a Which Close?