Nature of Science
Weathering Erosion
Earth Structures
Human Impact on Earth
Plate Tectonics

Experiments are often repeated many times by the same or different scientists. What is one reason that scientific investigations should be repeated by different people using the same methods? give more people jobs

b. to use different variables

c. to identify possible errors

d. to communicate results faster

c. to identify possible errors


Weathering and erosion can affect the rock material in one of Earth’s layers. Which layer is it?

a) inner core

b) lithosphere

c) mantle

d) outer core

a) inner core


A geologist is studying three layers of sedimentary rock in an area. The layers have not shifted from their original positions. The geologist records the relative ages of the rocks. The bottom layer is listed as the oldest. The top layer is listed as the youngest. What did the geologist use to determine the relative ages of the rocks?
A. mineral content
B. radioactive decay
C. the law of superposition
D. the principle of unconformity

C. the law of superposition


A scientist is unsure about the accuracy of her experiment. She has checked her equipment and found it to be in good working order, checked her data and found it to be accurate, and reviewed her interpretation of the data, which she found to be logical. What should she do in addition to check the accuracy of her results?
a. check the hypothesis
b. interpret the data
c. make a different conclusion
d. repeat the experiment

d. repeat the experiment


The motion of tectonic plates can cause both slow and rapid changes in Earth’s surface. Which is an example of a rapid change?
A. earthquake
B. seafloor spreading
C. mountain range formation
D. formation of an ocean trench

A. earthquake


List two examples of a model

mathematical equations, a computer program-simulations, maps, globes, plastic replica, and anything familiar that can help us understand something unfamiliar. Other answers will be take


Acid rain is a form of pollution. Acid rain can cause buildings and other structures made of limestone or marble to weaken and break apart. What process does this change represent?

a) deposition

b)chemical weathering

c)mechanical erosion

d) physical weathering

b)chemical weathering


A prairie is a type of plain. Which of the following best describes the features of a plain?

a)an area of land that is wide and flat

b)an area of land that is wide and hilly

c)an area of land having steep sides and a narrow top 

d) an area of land having gently sloping sides and a narrow top

a)an area of land that is wide and flat


David is doing research on the internet to find facts for his STEM Fair project. An on-line search returns the following sites. Which would be the best to use?
a. a website that does not provide the author's name
b. a blog of someone who studies astrology
c. an article from a scientific magazine
d. an online wiki

c. an article from a scientific magazine


The concept of continental drift was developed by Alfred Wegener. Which of the following pieces of evidence does NOT support Wegener’s hypothesis?

a)Climates at different latitudes are similar to one another.

b) Fossils of the same organisms are found on different continents.

c) Similar glacial sediments are found in different parts of the world.

d) The shapes of the continents seem to fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

a)Climates at different latitudes are similar to one another.


Models can help answer some, but not all, scientific questions. Which scientific question below can be answered best by using a model?

a)How does DNA technology affect society?

b)How do bees communicate with each other?

c)How do the positions of the sun, Earth, and the moon create moon phases?

D) Do carrots grow best in sandy soil, loam, clay, compost, or another type of soil?

c)How do the positions of the sun, Earth, and the moon create moon phases?


Erosion is the set of all processes by which sediment is transported. From which hillside will erosion be the greatest?

a)a bare hillside with no plant cover

b) a hillside covered by a mix of plants and grass

c)a hillside covered by many plants with deep roots

d) a hillside covered by dense grass and shallow roots

a)a bare hillside with no plant cover


The formation of sedimentary rock is a multistep process. Which step is NOT important in the process of sedimentary rock formation?




d. folding

d. Folding


Water quality is a measure of the health of water supplies used for drinking and other important activities. Which human activity most directly affects water quality?

a)powering homes

b)fertilizing crops

c)driving cars

d) fishing

b)fertilizing crops


Earth has several types of tectonic plate boundaries. Which type involves a collision between two plates?

a) conservative

b) convergent

c) divergent

d) transform

b) convergent


Models are used to study things that are too big, too small, too distant, or too complicated to study through direct observations. Which is NOT a model?

a)a weather map

b)a diagram of the water cycle

c) a list of supplies in a science lab

d) a drawing of the parts of an automobile engine

c) a list of supplies in a science lab


Sand dunes form along some coastlines. Which factor is most responsible for forming sand dunes?



c) water

d) wind

d) wind


6. Rocks and sediment change their form as they move through the rock cycle. Which change involves melting?
A. lava to rock
B. magma to lava
C. rock to magma
D. rock to sediment

C. rock to magma


What major effect might rapid urbanization have on the environment?

a)People will have less time for recreational activities.

b)Erosion and deposition will increase due to higher skylines.

c)Global warming will decrease because people will drive less often.

d) Urban sprawl in natural areas at the edges of cities will lead to loss of valuable plants and animals.

d) Urban sprawl in natural areas at the edges of cities will lead to loss of valuable plants and animals.


Earth is composed of many metallic elements. Which layer of Earth contains the greatest amounts of dense, solid iron and nickel?

a)the crust

b)the mantle

c)the outer core

d) the inner core

d) the inner core


2. Kenji must conduct a scientific investigation for a science project. Which step should Kenji complete first?
A. List the steps to be used for the procedure of the investigation.
B. Use appropriate tools to collect data, and then organize the data using tables and graphs.
C. Develop a testable question based on research or prior knowledge.
D. Analyze data, recognize any patterns, and make inferences based on those patterns.

C. Develop a testable question based on research or prior knowledge.


How does a delta form?

a)when sediments are deposited at the mouth of a river

b)when sediments are carried away from an ocean or lake

c) when sediments are deposited at the base of a mountain

d) sediments are deposited along the banks of a river

a)when sediments are deposited at the mouth of a river


7. Over a long period of time, igneous rock can change into sedimentary rock. What must happen to igneous rock before it can change into sedimentary rock?
A. It must be broken down into sediment.
B. It must melt and become magma.
C. Its minerals must be dissolved in water.
D. It must be exposed to high pressure and temperature.

A. It must be broken down into sediment.


Scientists use different methods to carry out their research. Which of these does NOT describe systematic observation?
a. It is the part of an experiment in which measurements and data are collected.
b. It is different from the casual observation needed to recognize patterns in an experiment.
c. It is a method of investigation to use in place of an experiment.
d. It may be an appropriate method when the scientist doesn’t need to compare two groups.

a. It is the part of an experiment in which measurements and data are collected.


Cari knows that earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates. She wants to know what causes these plates to move. Which of the following would answer Cari’s question?

a) pressure of the ocean’s weight on the crust

b) convection currents in the mantle

c) convection currents in the core

d) gravity’s pull on the crust

b) convection currents in the mantle