Mrs. Sea's room number.
What is 1137?
The name of our galaxy.
What is Milky Way?
The 3 main layers of Earth.
What is crust, mantle, and core?
Absolute dating is
What is a way of dating things based on time they've existed?
The definition of an unconformity is...
What is a pause in time in the geological record?
Mrs. Sea's pencil policy.
What is return them to the box in the front?
The largest planet in our solar system.
What is Jupiter?
The thickest layer.
What is mantle?
Relative dating is
What is a type of dating used to put layers in chronological order?
The definition of angular unconformity is...
What is old layers were tilted but new layers are horizontal?
Mrs. Sea's email address.
What is
The hottest planet in our solar system.
What is venus?
What is crust?
This is what the principle of superposition means.
What is younger layers are on top of older layers?
The definition of disconformity is...
What is erosion has removed material or deposition paused?
Mrs. Sea's attention getter.
What is a timer?
The two categories our planets are split into.
What is inner/outer or terrestrial/jovian?
Difference between inner and outer core.
What is inner core is solid iron/nickel and outer core is liquid iron/nickel.
This is what the principle uniformitarianism means.
What is changes to Earth's surface happen at the same rate today as the past?
The definition of nonconformity is...
What is sedimentary rock is deposited onto igneous or metamorphic rock?
Mrs. Sea does this with papers left on tables.
What is throws them away?
The name of our 8 planets.
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune?
This layer is composed of the crust and the upper mantle.
What is lithosphere?
This is what the principle of lateral continuity means.
What is layers will match up if split apart?
This is the difference between a nonconformity and a disconformity is.
What is a disconformity is a break in the record and a nonconformity is when sedimentary rock is on igneous or metamorphic?