What is the Spanish phrase for "Good morning"?
Buenos días
How do you say "fourteen" in Spanish?
Conjugate "hablar" with "yo"
(Yo) hablo
How do you say "It is sunny" in Spanish?
Hace sol
How do you say "I like to dance" in Spanish?
What is an appropriate response to "¿Cómo estás?" in Spanish?
Bien, muy bien, más o menos, así así, mal, muy mal
How do you ask "What time is it?" in Spanish?
¿Qué hora es?
Conjugate "bailar" with "tú"
(Tú) bailas
What does "Hace frío" mean in English?
It's cold
How do you say "I like to talk on the phone" in Spanish?
Me gusta hablar por teléfono
How do you respond to "¿Cómo te llamas?"
Me llamo...
How do you say "It is 1:30" in Spanish?
Es la una y media
Carlos y yo _______ (montar) en bicicleta.
What is the term for "rain" in Spanish?
Llueve / Está lloviendo
How do you say "to run" in Spanish?
Answer the question: ¿Cuántos años tienes?
Tengo # años
What is the sum of 15 and 29 in Spanish?
Cuarenta y cuatro
La señora López _______ (escuchar) música clásica.
In Spanish, what season do we experience in the months of December, January and February?
El invierno
How do you say "I like to watch TV" in Spanish?
Me gusta ver la tele
Say the following in Spanish: "Hello, my name is ... and I am # years old"
Hola, me llamo ... y tengo # años.
Convert the time 4:50 PM (in the afternoon) into Spanish.
Son las cinco menos diez de la tarde.
Pedro y tú ________ (estudiar) para el examen de ciencias sociales.
In Spanish, what season do we experience in the months of March, April and May?
La primavera
How do you say "I like to skate" in Spanish?
Me gusta patinar