Tenses: Simple and Progressive
Sentence Corrections
Past Perfect and ppp
Gerunds and Infinitives
This is the simple past of follow
What is followed?
This sentence is an example of what kind of mistake? Ponyboy is a character in The Oudsiders he is different from his friends.
What is a run-on?
The police officer had seen a hundred like him before. This sentence is written in this tense.
What is past perfect?
The relationship is usually not beneficial to nature. This word is written as an adjective in this sentence.
What is beneficial?
This is an infinitive that could complete the following sentence: I want __ ____ that new restaurant. (try)
What is to try?
They are living in Mexico now. This sentence is written in this tense.
What is progressive?
Is this correct or what mistake do you see? Rather than taking the long road, which would take a lot of time, since it is very long.
What is sentence fragment.
The family had been spending time together. This sentence uses this verb tense.
What is past perfect progressive?
If protection is the noun, then this word is the verb.
What is protect?
In “She chose not to give up meat,” this is the infinitive.
What is to give?
Of the two verbs, this one is in the past progressive form: traveled were traveling
What is were traveling?
Is this sentence correct? or What mistake do you see? Johhny never got to travel, he died young.
What is a comma splice?
This is a verb tense used to show an action that already happened.
What is past?
If electric is the adjective, then this word is the noun.
What is electricity?
This is the object of the prepositon in this prepositional phrase: near a river
What is near?
In the following sentence, this action happened first. When he came home, she was reading the paper.
What is reading the paper?
Is this sentence correct? What is the mistake? The author S.E. Hinton, which is a woman, wrote THE OUTSIDERS.
What is an adjective clause? change which to who
We often use these two verb tenses with by (a certain time).
What is past perfect and past perfect progressive?
Waste is the correct form of these two parts of speech.
What is noun and verb?
All but one of these words are gerunds: cattle eating reading dying
What is cattle?
This tense is often used with always to express a repeated action.
What is present progressive?
Is theis sentence correct? What is the mistake? Because Darry is a young man who has a lot of responsibility, he is not as free spirited as other Greasers.
What is correct?
These are the helping verb and main verb in this sentence: The Redskins are playing football on Sunday.
What are are and playing?
Nature and natural are the forms for these two parts of speech.
What are noun and adjective?
This part of speech ends in –ing and often functions as the subject of a sentence.
What is a gerund?