The variable in an experiment that the scientist keeps the same.
What is a constant variable?
Living things that only eat plants
What is conduction?
The ends of a magnet
What are poles?
Mr.Reynolds old last name
What is Honigman?
The variable in an experiment that the scientist changes.
What is the independent variable?
What are producers?
The type of heat transfer through fluids (liquid or gas)
What is convection?
When magnets move toward each other
What is attract?
The smallest state in the USA
What is rhode island?
The variable that the scientist measures or observes
What is the dependent variable?
Things that living things need to survive (sunlight, water, oxygen...etc)
What is a resource?
The type of heat transfer through empty space
What is radiation?
When magnets move away from each other
What is repel?
The biggest country in the world
What is Russia?
Standard metric unit for distance
What are meters?
A living thing that breaks down dead organisms
When an object gets hotter, the molecules move ___________.
What is faster?
The two things a vector shows
Direction & Magnitude
What type of pet does Ms.R have? Bonus points for its name.
What is a cat?
What is Oreo?
Standard metric unit for volume?
What are liters?
When a change occurs at the top of the food chain that cause effects lower down...
What is a trophic cascade?
The energy of motion
What is kinetic energy?
The name for the magnetic field around Earth
What is magnetosphere?
The state Ms.R used to live in
What is Indiana