Unit 1 : Ecosystem
Unit 2: Biome
Unit 3: Population
Unit 4: Nonrenewable
Unit 5: Renewable
How dies algal bloom ultimately affect the oxygen content of water?

Decrease oxygen levels in the water 


List the layers of the atmosphere in order

troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere 


If a countries doubling time is 37 years, what is its growth rate?

70/37= 1.89% Growth rate 


What are the main problems(3) associated with coal mining and burning?

Mountain Top removal, Black lung disease, Acid mine drainage, coal ash 

What are the four characteristics of a house to have efficient passive solar heating

1. Orientation

2.Over hang

3.Thermal mass/ insulation

4. double or triple pane windows 


What are the five steps of the nitrogen cycle in order

Nitrogen fixation, Nitrification, assimilation, ammonification, denitrification


What is El Nino? (In APES)

Droughts in Australia and Indonesia, A weakening of trade winds, Excessive rain in the SW US, droughts in NW US


What are the stages of succession?

Pioneer species, annual plants, perianal plants, Shrubs, Sun tolerance, shade tolerant, climax 


Uranium u-235 has a half-life of 700 million years What fraction of the parent material will remain after 2800 million years?



What are the main types of renewable energy and list them from least efficient to most efficient in terms of land needed.

Biomass, Hydro, Solar, Wind, Biomass 


What are the three main ways human affect the Nitrogen cycle?

Creation of Fertilizers

combustion of FF



Describe Three major characteristics for each of the following organisms: (Microscopic in size is not one) 



Benthic Organisms 

Phytoplankton: found on top of water, does photosynthesis, cannot move 

Zoo plankton: found in the middle of the water where sunlight can still penetrate, eats phytoplankton, can move 

Benthic Organisms: Found at the bottom of the ocean, does not need sunlight, scavenges for food, can move 


What are the characteristics (7) for extreme K vs Extreme R strategist?

K: Long life spans, small number of offspring, late loss, provides care to children, large in size, S curve, controlled by density dependent factors

R: Short life spans, many off springs, early loss, no childcare, small in size, J curve, controlled by density independent factors. 


What are three ways of extracting oil and what are the methods used in each one

Primary: adding a well and allowing the pressurized oil to naturally come out

Secondary: adding a well and addition of water to pressurize the oil to come out on top of the oil

Tertiary: Adding a well and Fracking fluid containing chemicals and sand to break rock and push the oil upwards 


which countries generates the highest percentage of their electricity with each type of renewable type listed below

Hydro (general), Geothermal, Tidal,

Hydro: Norway

Geothermal: Iceland

Tidal: South Korea


Name each type of organism relationship (five main). And explain what each of them are 

Symbiosis- A close long-term relationship between organisms 

Mutualism- both organisms are benefited from their relationship

Ectoparasites- one organism lives off of another organism but on the outside of host

Endoparasites-One organism lives off of another organism but on the inside of the host

Commensalism- One is benefited, other is not helped or hurt


Name all the major Biomes we covered (Nine)

Tundra, Boreal Forest, Temperate Rainforest, Temperate seasonal forest, Woodland/Shrubland, Temperate grassland/ cold desert, Tropical rainforest, Tropical seasonal Forest, Subtropical Desert 


Draw a histogram for stable growth, slow growth, and rapid growth, and associate a country to each of these graphs. 

*this thing will not let me draw pictures*:(

1.A little over half of the world's oil reserve are found in what countries(3)?

2.What percent of total world energy comes from Fossil Fuels?

3.About 60% of the worlds proven coal reserve are found in what countries (3)?

1. Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and Canada


3. U.S, Australia, and Russia 


Explain how PV panels work (5 steps) 

1. Photovoice energy excites Electron in the Negative side 

2. Electron leaves hole and goes into a circuit

3. Circuit goes through a battery where electricity is collected 

4. Electron goes back into a Hole on the Positive side

5. Electrons travel through the junction back to the negative side to be excited again


What are the four services the ecosystem provides, and give a brief description of each

Provisioning: goods provided by the ecosystem 

Regulating: Regulation of systems done by the environment 

Cultural services: Nonmaterial things the ecosystems provide to human wellbeing 

Supporting services: Services that need to happen to support and allow all other services to happen (think broader than regulation) 


What are the seven benefits of wetlands?

Filtration of toxins and pollution, Prevention of erosion, reduce flooding, Reduce damage by absorbing waves, Rest spots for migratory birds, Habitats for aquatic species, Nursery site for young

List each stage of demographic and identify what the DR, BR, GR are. 

Then Identify two things for each transition that causes a country to move up on the scale 

Stage 1: High BR, High DR, Low GR, 

Stage 2: High BR, Lowering DR, GR Increasing  

Stage 3: Lowering BR, Low DR, GR high 

Stage 4: Low BR, Constant low DR, Lowering GR

1-->2: addition of sanitation, and clean cooking practices 

2-->3: addition of infrastructure and support for women

3-->4: Cultural change, tec change, governmental policy change 


Name the Nine steps of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Mining& milling, Conversion, Enrichment, Fuel Fabrication, Nuclear Power station, Storage, Reprocessing, Vitrification, Final disposal  


What are the 4 steps to generating Wind energy?

1. Wind turns the turbine blade

2. A gear box transfers mechanical energy to a generator

3. A generator converts mechanical energy into electrical electricity 

4. Electricity is transferred to the grid