Who visits Muhammad and reveals the one true god?
Angel Gabriel
Because a witch said if he married an ugly woman, their son would be a great ruler
What are 3 causes of the Renaissance?
Mongols reopen Silk Road, Crusades, Increase in Urbanization, Printing Press
Predestination: God has already decided who will make it to heaven, thus everyone should have a high moral standard
The "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" was written in what language?
What is Ramadan?
The month of fasting (Sawn), part of the 5 Pillars of Islam
What is the significance of the Battle of Kirina
Sundiata's victory led to the founding of the Mali Empire
Name 4 artists during the Renaissance
Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, Rafael, etc
What Pope orders the rebuilding of St. Peter's Basilica?
Pope Leo X (he was a Medici)
When was the Scientific Revolution?
The majority of Muslims today are Sunni or Shai?
What country opened up coastal trade routes leading to the decline of the Mali?
Use of perspective and realism
What war did Joan of Arc fight in and what is her significance?
Who do the following characters represent in Galileo's book "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems"
Galileo, the people, the church
What Caliph sent Charlemagne an elephant and water clock?
How did Mansa Musa come to power?
The previous King went on an expedition and appointed Musa as deputy, he then disappeared at sea
Who is the "Father of Humanism"
What is the signficance of John Wycliffe?
He is a Christian humanist who introduces the idea of a personal relationship with god
What 3 discoveries are made in Galileo's book "The Starry Messenger"
Jupiter has four moons, the sun has dark spots, Earth's moon has a rough and uneven surface
Who is the founder of Baghdad?
This is the year Mali became an independent state
Who built the Duomo of the Santa Maria Del Fiore?
What is the outcome of the Peace of Augsburg?
Legitimizes Protestantism: Charles V declares that each regional ruler (Prince) could choose the religion for their land
Egocentrism is based on whose ideas ?
Aristotle/Ptolemy, Bible