......................a break
Mark couldn't find the right answer, because he not good at physics.
....because he IS not good....
What is the most popular breed of dog in Russia?
The Siberian Husky
Make a past simple sentence from the following verb:
e.g. The man found his lost wallet
Name 5 different types of washing powder
award if done
....................the dishes
DO the dishes
Sarah very wanted to meet her friends, but she had too much homework to do.
....REALLY wanted to...
Name 5 breeds of dog IN ENGLISH
award if done
Make a sentence with the following verb:
e.g. He realised that he was in danger
Name 2 alternatives to washing powder
........................a party
HAVE/THROW a party
Geraldine Finklesworth & Marvin Cuthbert-Wells decided to go on a concert. It was absolutely splendid.
....to go TO a concert.....
What's the world record for the most hot dogs eaten in 1 minute?
The most hot dogs eaten in one minute is 6, and was achieved by Miki Sudo (USA) in Tampa, Florida, USA, on 22 October 2022. Miki Sudo is married to fellow competitive eater Nick Wehry, who achieved the most hot dogs eaten in three minutes on the same day.
Make a sentence from the following verb:
GET (в смысле ДОБРАТЬСЯ)
e.g They only got to their hotel at midnight
...................your reputation
EARN your reputation
Find a mistake:
Shaun Stylismanicman shook his fist at the opposing fans.
Find THE mistake
Собаки должны быть постоянно на поводке.
Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times
Make a sentence from the following verb:
e.g. He finally figured out who had stolen his profile on Rust
Which one is better- Ariel or Persil?
...............your horses
HOLD your horses
Yes, English can be hard. It can be understood through tough throurough thought though.
....though THOROUGH thought.....
Name 1 banned breed of dog in Russia
Назовите 1 запрещённую породу собак в России
The American pitbull
Make a COMPLETELY accurate sentence from the following verb:
e.g. He brought a mouse to the cat
Say 'washing powder' 150 times