Age of Jackson
Antebellum Era
Civil War Era
Reconstruction Era
Black Rights

True / False: voting rights grew for white Americans under Jackson



How did the lives of Black Americans in the south and north differ? 

- South: often enslaved or indentured servants, always second-class 

- North: limited and usually "inferior" but free and some European Americans might see you as an equal or be more likely to fight for your rights 


What did major of Civil War soldiers die of? 

disease (not injuries or war/battles)


What was Reconstruction? 

Rebuilding of the South after it was economically, politically, and socially destroyed/weakened by the Civil War. 


What did the 13th Amendment (mostly) abolish? 



Define Manifest Destiny

 colonists' and settler's God-given right to explore and expand their territory to the Pacific Ocean and beyond


Name 2 inventions or innovations from the Antebellum Era. 

water-powered loom in textile mills, steam locomotive, telegram, rotating washing machine, plow tools 


Define secession 

withdraw or leave


The name for Lincoln's reconstruction plan in which 10% of ex-Confederate states' voters had to swear loyalty to the Union for said state to re-enter the Union.

10% Plan


According to the 13th Amendment, when is forced labor legally allowed?

"punishment of crime"


Name 3 hardships experienced on the Oregon Trail 

disease, famine/malnutrition, weather, unfamiliar terrain, shortage of supplies, clash with Native Americans or other travelers


Name 1 positive result of the Industrial Revolution & 1 negative result 

- positive: increase in job opportunities, job opportunities for more than just white men 

- negative: pay, working conditions, living conditions, limited to the urban areas 


What did the south call themselves? What did the north call themselves and were fighting to maintain? 

Confederacy/Confederate & the Union 


Political group known for their opposition to slavery, their efforts to ensure emancipation and civil rights for Blacks, and their strong opinions on post-war Reconstruction. 

Radical Republicans


What did the 14th Amendment guarantee? 

As citizens, Black Americans are equally protected under/by U.S. laws. 


How was the Eerie Canal a gateway to westward expansion? 

- location, location, location 

- inexpensive travel/transportation 

- economic growth


How did the Great Awakening help lead to social reforms?

- belief in the 2nd Coming 

- focus on improving the self and society 

- belief in equality before God 

- inclusivity of the G.A. meant more radical people could participate & influence 


What were the Missouri Compromise of 1850 & the Kansas-Nebraska Acts? 

Attempts to compromise on "slave" state vs free state territory/power


Name 2-3 efforts put forth to suppress Black Americans and their power/influence. 

- Black Codes = limit freedom & ensure cheap labor 

- sharecropping = cycle of poverty 

- literary tests & poll taxes = restrict voting 

- Jim Crow laws = legalized segregation 

- KKK & White League = intimidate, harass, & murder Black Americans 


What was the 15th Amendment? 

Black Americans' right to vote

"prohibits the federal government and each state from denying or abridging a citizen's right to vote "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." 


Name 2-3 impacts Jackson's presidency and Manifest Destiny had on Native Americans. 

- greater interaction with colonists & settlers (e.g. Sacagawea)

- disease, famine, genocide, cultural erasure 

- Trail of Tears, CA missions, "residential schools" 

- largely non-violent, some violent efforts to protest: battle, meet with political leaders, writing down language (e.g. Sequoyah)


What was the Underground Railroad? 

- Series of secret (not literally underground) routes for people to use when escaping from slavery and fleeing north

- led by Harriet Tubman & William Still 


What is this quote from?
"And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons."

Emancipation Proclamation


How does southern economy change during the Reconstruction Era? Name 2-3 changes. 

- more industries

- less reliant on cash crops & forced labor 

- sharecropping = cycle of poverty 

- white push away from Reconstruction efforts (want stronger economy but not at the "expense" of giving Black Americans rights)


According to Frederick Douglass in "What the Black Man Wants," what do Black Americans want?


"It may be asked, “Why do you want it? Some men have got along very well without it. Women have not this right.” Shall we justify one wrong by another?. . .I hold that women, as well as men, have the right to vote [applause], and my heart and my voice go with the movement to extend suffrage to woman; but that question rests upon another basis than that on which our right rests. We may be asked, I say, why we want it. I will tell you why we want it. We want it because it is our right, first of all." 

the right to vote