Persuasion Unit
Presentation Devices
Migration Unit

What is a target audience?

a group of customers that a business aims to advertise towards


This technique tries to persuade us to buy a product by promising to give us something else, like a discount, a rebate, a coupon, or a “free gift.”

Special offers and bribes 


What does FANBOYS stand for ?

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


The difference between immigration and emigration

immigration is coming into a country and emigration is leaving a country


define the following figurative language 

simile , metaphor, personification 

simile-comparison using like or as 

metaphor- direct comparison 

personification-giving living qualities to non living


Name and describe the 3 means of persuasion 

Ethos- appeal to credibility

pathos- appeal to emotion 

logos- appeal to logic


This technique works because we may believe a “regular person” more than an intellectual or a highly paid celebrity. It’s often used to sell everyday products like laundry detergent because we can more easily see ourselves using the product, too.

Plain Folk


Which title deserves a capitalization and why?

macron, president of France, 

prime minister blair

Prime Minister Blair



use it in a sentence 

take a part 


What is the difference between an economic immigrant, a refugee, and an asylum seeker

economic immigrant comes for better job opportunity 

refugee is fleeing from war, persecution, etc 

asylum seeker is seeking protection but doesn't have official refugee status yet


what two ways did we look at in class how ads can be dangerous?

racial and gender 


This technique uses sentimental images (especially of families, kids, and animals) to stimulate feelings of pleasure, comfort, and delight.

Warm & Fuzzy


What is wrong with this sentence?  How do we fix it?

  • I better bring a sweater it is cold outside. 

run on sentence 


Define explicit and implicit 

explicit is information clearly in the text

implicit is not clearly there but implied 


Give two examples of how language has been used in a harmful way to migrants in the media from the unit. 

calling Calais the jungle? connotation of word choice in news headlines, David Cameron and the swarm, anything from John Oliver's program


This is an example of what?

thin, bony, anorexic, slim, slender

Words with the same denotation but different connotation


Words used to suggest positive meaning without making any promises.  It is a way to get around making explicit claims. Ex- many, often, virtually, as many as,

weasel words 


What is wrong with this sentence? Official name 

  • I considered what to do, I decided that watching and waiting would be wise.

comma splice



The process in which a minority group or culture comes to resemble a society’s majority group in values, behaviors, and beliefs


Explain one story of assimilation in House on Mango Street

mamacita, the house, etc


Name two presentation devices a digital ad has that a print ad does not.

special effects 

shots and angles 

music and sound


Many ads show lots of people using the product, implying that “everyone is doing it” (or at least, “all the cool people are doing it”).



name three places we use commas


To separate a list of words or ideas 

After a time phrase at the beginning of a sentence 

Before an ‘ing’ verb that starts a new clause 

To separate an interrupter or non essential element 

Before the word ‘which’, if a non-essential clause follows


Defne Xenophobia 

use in a sentence in any form

dislike or prejudice against people from other cultures 


Name all 6 features of a blog.

tips, opinion, examples, voice, topical, personal experience