What type of listening do we use when talking to people?
Active listening
When do you write a thank you note?
in response to a gift, after a party/event, someone is leaving, etc.
What do we use to make sure we're on time?
A clock, an alarm, a timer, etc.
Good way to start an email.
Dear, Ms., Dr., etc.
When talking we do this to avoid monologues
Ways to say thank you in a thank you note
I wanted to reach out to say thank you! Thank you so much for coming to....
How many hours should we be sleeping at night?
Is it ok to put our phone number on a job application?
Bad way to end a formal email
Love ya, Your favorite, etc.
Good ways to start a conversation
Introduce yourself, complement someone, comment on your immediate surroundings, etc.
What do emails and thank you notes have in common?
What do we use to know when assignments are due?
There are 4 relationships with other students, which one is the smallest category?
Close friends
What are 2 things you should include in the first sentence of your email.
Your class name, class section, meeting time
Things to avoid when maintaining a conversation.
Interrogating the other person, yes/no questions, inappropriate topic changes, speaking more than the other person
When can you end a thank you note with "love you"
When talking to extremely close friends/family
What are some routines a person may have?
Eating breakfast at the same time, making coffee, set out your clothes, plan out your day, etc.
You pass the security guard on the way to class everyday and you know their name and a little bit about them. What relationship do you have?
What should you avoid using in emails to teachers?
emojis, acronyms, informal language, etc.