Review #1
Review #2
Review #3
Review #4
Review #5

What was the immediate cause of World War I in Europe?

A. Start of the civil war in Russia.

B. Sinking of the British passenger liner, Lusitania.

C. Attack on Poland by the German army.

D. Assassination of the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

D. Assassination of the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


What did Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, Italy’s attack on Ethiopia, and Germany’s blitzkrieg in Poland have in common?

A. They were examples of military aggression.

B. They were plans to preserve the balance of power.

C. They illustrated the policy of appeasement.

D. They were attempts at protecting ethnic minorities.

A. They were examples of military aggression.


1. Use of violence and terror. 2. Censorship and government control of the news. 3. Blind loyalty to leader. 4. Extreme nationalism. Which ideology best completes this graphic organizer?

A. Socialism

B. Communism

C. Fascism

D. Democracy

C. Fascism


“The only true resistance to the Government, it seemed to me, was to cease to cooperate with it. Thus I arrived at the word non-cooperation.” In this statement, Gandhi explains…

A. How he convinced others to use force against the British.

B. Why he took steps to help bridge Hindu-Muslim differences.

C. Why he decided Indians should not help the British in World War II.

D. How he developed passive resistance as a way to resist political oppression.

D. How he developed passive resistance as a way to resist political oppression.


Which was a major cause of the Great Depression of the 1930s?

A. Speculation on the stock market in the 1920s.

B. Investment in roads, bridges, and other infrastructure.

C. New global competition in manufacturing.

D. The spread of new consumer goods such as radios and automobiles.

A. Speculation on the stock market in the 1920s.


The change in the boundaries of the Balkan states between 1914 and 1930 was a result of the…

A. End of World War I and the treaties of 1919-1920.

B. Movement of people to escape earthquakes and droughts.

C. Role played by the Catholic Church to stop the advance of Islam.

D. Economic competition and development of new capitalistic markets.

A. End of World War I and the treaties of 1919-1920.


One reason the Bolsheviks gained peasant support during the Russian Revolution was because the Bolsheviks promised to…

A. Redistribute land to peasants.

B. Abolish peasant communes.

C. Bring modern technology to Russian farms.

D. Remain in the war against Germany and Austria-Hungary.

A. Redistribute land to peasants.


One motive behind Japan’s policy of imperialism in the early 20th century was…

A. A lack of local natural resources.

B. A plan to end unequal treaties.

C. The need to spread their religious beliefs.

D. The desire to spread communism.

A. A lack of local natural resources.


What was one reason why totalitarian dictatorships gained power in Europe between World War I and World War II?

A. Famine and AIDS had spread throughout Europe.

B. Trade was banned between Western and Eastern Europe.

C. New democracies failed to meet the needs of many people.

D. Monarchies were reinstated in many nations.

C. New democracies failed to meet the needs of many people.


The only way I could be certain of being left alone with my prayers was to bend my head over a volume of Mao Zedong’s books while I prayed to God from my tormented heart. Which event is the author describing in the passage?

A. The jailing of dissidents in the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

B. The torture of Jews in concentration camps during the Holocaust.

C. The mistreatment of Chinese civilians during Japan’s invasion of China.

D. The oppression of political prisoners during the Cultural Revolution.

D. The oppression of political prisoners during the Cultural Revolution.


During the nineteenth century, Europeans improved roads, built bridges, and put down railroad tracks in their colonies primarily to…

A. obtain raw materials for their industries.

B. provide high paying jobs for their colonists.

C. impress the colonists with their technological superiority.

D. help missionaries spread the Christian religion.

A. obtain raw materials for their industries.


“All great nations...have desired to set their mark upon barbarian lands, and those who fail to participate in this great rivalry will play a pitiable role in time to come.” This statements supports the concept of…

A. communism.

B. human rights.

C. industrialization.

D. imperialism.

D. imperialism.


The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente were established in the decades just…

A. Before the French Revolution.

B. Before World War I.

C. Before the Congress of Vienna.

D. Before World War II.

B. Before World War I.


The boundaries of newly independent African countries were often based on…

A. Existing tribal settlement patterns.

B. Divisions imposed under European imperialism.

C. Mandates created under the United Nations.

D. The location of key natural resources.

B. Divisions imposed under European imperialism.


The rise of radical Islamic Fundamentalism after the 1979 Iranian Revolution has brought about…

A. An increase in women’s rights.

B. An increase in incidents of global terrorism.

C. Increased foreign control of Middle East natural resources.

D. The introduction of Communist forms of government in the Middle East.

B. An increase in incidents of global terrorism.


“He warned his countrymen about Hitler, rallied his nation against German assaults, refused to surrender when faced with an invasion, and worked closely with President Roosevelt.” Which world leader is best described by these characteristics?

A. Benito Mussolini

B. Hideki Tojo

C. Joseph Stalin

D. Winston Churchill

D. Winston Churchill


The harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I helped lay the foundations for the…

A. Bolshevik revolution in Russia.

B. Rise of Nazism in Germany.

C. Rise of militarism in Japan.

D. Rise of Benito Mussolini in Italy.

B. Rise of Nazism in Germany.


In the late 20th century, what problem was common to Rwanda, Darfur, Bosnia, and Kosovo?

A. Disposal of dangerous nuclear waste.

B. Drought and severe famine.

C. Overcrowding of urban centers.

D. Instances of genocide.

D. Instances of genocide.


What was one reason that British India was divided into two nations in 1947?

A. Great Britain feared a unified India would be a military threat.

B. Many Hindus and Muslims preferred to live in separate states.

C. Indian leaders disagreed about India’s role in the United Nations.

D. The Soviet Union insisted India should have a Communist government.

B. Many Hindus and Muslims preferred to live in separate states.


A major goal of the Hutu-led regime in Rwanda in 1994 was to…

A. Eliminate the Tutsi minority.

B. Promote ethnic tolerance.

C. Align with the Soviet Union.

D. Strengthen ties with Belgium.

A. Eliminate the Tutsi minority.


One similarity between the Sepoy Mutiny in India and the Boxer Rebellion in China was that both were…

A. reactions to forms of European imperialism.

B. movements to establish greater democracy.

C. efforts to restore trade monopolies.

D. struggles to Westernize their cultures.

A. reactions to forms of European imperialism.


The Nuremberg Trials are considered an important development in the rule of law because they…

A. Brought an end to genocide.

B. Condemned the use of nuclear weapons against innocent civilians.

C. Ruled on provisions for the postwar occupation of Germany.

D. Established principles of responsibility for violations of human rights.

D. Established principles of responsibility for violations of human rights.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was initially formed to…

A. Promote religious freedom.

B. Defend Western Europe from Soviet aggression.

C. Isolate member nations from the rest of the world.

D. Stop the flow of immigration between member nations.

B. Defend Western Europe from Soviet aggression.


Which was a reason for the collapse of Communist command economies at the end of the twentieth century?

A. Central planners failed to predict national needs as efficiently as a free market system.

B. Over-speculation in the stock market made these economies unstable.

C. Ethnic divisions prevented their economies from operating efficiently.

D. These economies focused on consumer goods at the expense of heavy industry.

A. Central planners failed to predict national needs as efficiently as a free market system.


Which of the following has been an important impact of globalization?

A. Local manufacturers face less competition from overseas.

B. People are less informed than in the past about foreign events.

C. It is more difficult for people to get a wide variety of consumer goods.

D. Producers often make parts of an item in different countries to lower costs.

D. Producers often make parts of an item in different countries to lower costs.