Cells, Organelles, and Viruses
Cell Transport
Systems of Living Things
Motion and Momentum I
Forces and Energy
Motion and Momentum II

The folds in a mitochondrion greatly increase the membrane’s surface area, and improves its ability to ____________________

Perform cellular respiration 

Section 1-1


The sodium-potassium pump is considered to be a form of [active or passive] transport because the molecules flow from [High or Low] concentration to [High or Low] concentration.

The sodium-potassium pump is considered to be a form of ACTIVE transport because the molecules flow from LOW concentration to HIGH concentration.

Sec 2-6


Which body system is responsible for the movement of the body, as well as the movement of internal organs? Which body system provides structural support for it?

Muscular System

Skeletal System

Sec 3-1


Define producer

Define consumer

A producer is capable of using energy to make its own food

A consumer must eat other organisms to obtain energy

Sec 4-1


The Earth is 24,900 miles around (the circumference is 24,900 miles).  Superman starts by the flagpole of DPHS North Campus and flies completely around the Earth 8 times.  What is his displacement?

His displacement is 0 because he started and ended in the same place.

Sec 5-1


“Every action force creates a reaction force that is equal in strength and opposite in direction.” This statement summarizes which of Newton’s Laws?

Newton's Third Law of Motion

Sec 6-3


Give 3 examples of velocity.

Examples could include anything with a speed in a particular direction.

Sec 5-7


Name the characteristics of living things

Made of cells  Come from pre-existing cells

Have DNA

Respond to their environment  Reproduce

Use energy  Grow

Remove waste

Sec 1-2


______________ is the process that allows large food particles to enter the cell

_______________ is the process that allows bulk liquids to enter the cell



Sec 2-4&5


Match the body system with its function

A. Circulatory     B. Digestive    C. Excretory     D. Respiratory 

1.  This system controls water and salt balance and filters metabolic wastes from the blood

2.  This system takes in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the body

3.  This system transports nutrients, gases, wastes, hormones, and other materials to and from cells

4.  This system physically and chemically breaks down food and absorbs nutrients for energy

1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

Sec 3-3,4,5,6


Define the following terms using emojis




 Mutualism —  :)  :)

Commensalism — :)  :/

Parasitism — :)  :(

Sec 4-6


You walk home from school 12 blocks east, then turn 12 blocks North, and then turn 12 blocks east to arrive at your house.  What is your distance travelled?  What is your displacement?

Distance traveled was 36 blocks

Displacement was 26.8 blocks north-east

Sec 5-2


Two balls are dropped from the top of a ladder. They are both the same size, but one is very light and the other is very heavy. In the absence of air resistance, which ball will hit the floor first?

They will land at the same time.

Sec 6-4


Calculate the momentum of a 0.5-kilogram softball moving at 60 m/s

p = mv

p = (0.5 kg) (60m/s)

p = 30 kgm/s

Similar to Sec 5-8 but with different numbers 


The function of the Golgi apparatus is to ____________________

Package proteins into membrane-bound vesicles before being secreted from the cell

Sec 1-3


Describe each solution each of these cells are in using the words hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic

A Isotonic

B Hypotonic

C Hypertonic

Sec 2-7


What is the equation for photosynthesis?  

What is the equation for cellular respiration?


CO2 +  H2O + solar energy ------> C6H12O6  +  O2

carbon dioxide + water + solar energy --> glucose + oxygen

Cellular Respiration

C6H12O6  +  O2    -------------> CO2 +  H2O + ATP

glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water + ATP

Sec 3-10


What is the main difference between primary and secondary succession?

Primary succession needs to go through weathering and erosion before it has soil. Secondary succession starts with soil already present.

Sec 4-7


If a car has traveled 60 m/s for 10 s, how far has it traveled?


d = vt

d = (60 m/s)(10 s)

d= 600 m

Similar to Sec 5-3 but with different numbers


A tow truck pulls a 500-kg car with a net force of 4,000 N. What is the acceleration of the car?

F = ma

a = F/m

a = 4,000 N / 500 kg

a = 8 m/s2

Similar to Sec 6-1 but with different numbers 


Batman and Robin are traveling together in the Batmobile at 15 m/s.  All of the sudden they spot an explosion in the distance.  5 seconds later, they are traveling at 70 m/s.  What was Batman and Robins’ acceleration

a = vf - vi / t

a = (70 m/s - 15 m/s) / 5 s

a = (55 m/s) / 5 s

a = 11 m/s2

Sec 5-9


Which organelles are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Cell membrane




Sec 1-8


The following solute particles are moving through the cell membrane from high concentrations to low concentrations.  They are also using a carrier protein.

How would you describe this type of movement across the membrane?

Facilitated Diffusion

Sec 2-2


What is the function of the leaf?

To collect solar energy, to exchange gases with the environment, and to perform photosynthesis

Sec 3-9


What are pioneer species?

What pioneer species are present in primary succession?

What pioneer species are present in secondary succession?

Pioneer species are the first organisms found in succession.

Pioneer species in primary succession are mosses and lichens

Pioneer species in secondary succession are weeds and grasses

Sec 4-7


What is the displacement of the object from 0 to 3 s based on the Position vs. Time graph below?

The displacement is 2 m.

Sec 5-3


At which of these positions does the ball have both the greatest potential energy and the least kinetic energy?

Point A

Sec 6-6,7


A giant boulder is coming right at the Green Lantern so he creates an energy shield to protect himself.  The boulder moves 7 meters East and then bounces off the shield and moves 15 meters West.  This all happens in 3 seconds, what is the velocity of the boulder?

Sec 5-6


Draw the lytic cycle of a virus with the steps in order

Sec 1-5


What is this organelle called? What is this mostly made of? What are the names of some of the parts of this?

This is called the phospholipid bilayer, the cell membrane or the plasma membrane.  It is mostly made of phospholipid molecules.  It includes carrier proteins and carbohydrates.

Sec 2-10


Name the purpose of each of the body systems shown:


Digestive -- break down food physically and chemically and absorb nutrients for energy

Circulatory -- transport gases, hormones, wastes, and other materials to and from the cells

Respiratory -- take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the body

Excretory -- control water and salt balance and filter metabolic waste from the body

Sec 3-3,4,5,6


How much energy would get transferred to a quaternary consumer if the producers have a total energy of 250,000 kJ?

primary -- 25,000 kJ

secondary -- 2,500 kJ

tertiary -- 250 kJ

quaternary -- 25 kJ

Similar to Sec 4-5, but different numbers


What is the acceleration of the object between 15 and 30 seconds based on the graph below?

a = vf - vi / tf - ti

a = (0 m/min - 60 m/min) / (30 s - 15 s)

a = -60 m/min / 15 min

a = -4 m/min2

Similar to Sec 5-5 but with different numbers


A police car is chasing a suspect in a 500 [kg] stolen truck traveling at 12 [m/s].  What is the kinetic energy of the truck?

K.E. = 1/2 mv2

K.E. = (0.5) (500 kg) (12 m/s)2

K.E. = (0.5) (500 kg) (144 m2/s2)

K.E. = 36,000 J

Similar to Sec 6-7 but with different numbers 


A 700 [kg] sailboat moves with a momentum of 250,000 [kg·m/s].  What is the velocity of the boat?

p = mv

v = p / m

v = 250,000 kg·m/s / 700 kg

v = 357.1 m/s

Sec 5-10