Stay Gold, EPAA
Grammar Jam
Doing Words Good
I didn't mean it!
It's Lit

This is name of the Soc who told Ponyboy that fighting is pointless.

Who is Randy?


"Slammed the door and left" is an example of this type of grammatical error.

What is a sentence fragment?


This part of speech refers to a person, place, thing, or idea.

What is a noun?


This is the opposite of figurative language.

What is literal language?


This is the central message of a story.

What is the theme?


Cherry and Ponyboy, despite their differences, both see the same one of these things from across town. 

What is a sunset?


This term refers to the main verb of a sentence. A complete sentence needs to have this and a subject.

What is a predicate?


This part of speech refers to an action, including words like be/is/was/am/etc.

What is a verb?


This type of figurative language uses "like" or "as" to compare two unlike objects.

What is a simile?

Example: Shine bright like a diamond


This is the term for language that describes sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell.

What is imagery?


The Socs are often said to get "all the breaks," meaning they have an unearned social advantage over the greasers. In other words, they have this.


This term refers to the person or thing performing the main action in a sentence.

What is a subject?


This part of speech describes how an action was done.

What is an adverb?

Example: He ran quickly.


This type of figurative language uses "is" to directly compare two unlike objects.

What is a metaphor?

Example: Baby you're a fiiiiirework!

"1963" or "Oklahoma" could be used to describe this element of a story.

What is setting?


This is an example of a symbol in The Outsiders.

What is ___________________?

(Honestly, almost any answer can be right as long as you can defend it.)


Two complete, related sentences can be separated using one of these instead of a period.

What is a semicolon? (;)


This part of speech is used as a substitute for a noun that has been previously mentioned.

What is a pronoun?

Examples: he, she, they, you, I


This type of figurative language uses an object to represent an idea.

What is a symbol?


This term describes an object that represents an idea.

What is a symbol?


This is what Johnny meant when he told Ponyboy to "stay gold." 

What is, "stay innocent/genuine/real/curious/sensitive?"


This type of sentence refers to two or more independent clauses that have been connected to form one complete sentence.

What is a compound sentence?


This part of speech connects ideas. If used with a comma, it can be used to connect two sentences together.

What is a conjunction?



This is the reason why "San Francisco is a huge city" is not considered a metaphor.

What is, "a metaphor has to compare unlike objects?"


This is something that the theme of a story does not do.

What is:

- Moralize (tell the reader how to live their life)

- Use a cliche ("Blood is thicker than water")

- Stay within the world of the story