Mental Wellness
Social Media Safety

You have a part-time job on campus. Even though your boss knows that you have class, he put you on the schedule to work at 12:00 on Wednesday, when you have class. You don't want to lose your job. How can you advocate for yourself and make your boss understand that you can't work those hours, but you still want to work?

You could talk to your boss and remind him that you have class, then suggest alternate days/times when you are available.

What is an example of a possession boundary?

Ex. Not wanting people to touch your laptop without permission


What is something you do to make sure your body is well/healthy?

Ex. Eat 3 meals a day, get good sleep, exercise 


You get a text message from an unknown number telling you that you won $5,000, but must answer within the next 10 minutes to get it. Would you trust it? What should you do?

This is probably a scam. It sounds too good to be true, is from an unknown number, and is pressuring you to answer quickly. You may choose to block the number.


What is an example of business formal attire/clothing?

Ex. Suit, dress shirt, closed toe shoes, tie


You are working on a group project in class. The other members of your group are goofing off and not doing the work. You don't want to tattle on them, but you don't want to get a bad grade, either. How can you advocate for yourself?

You could tell your tell your group members that you feel like they aren't contributing as much as they should be to the project, and if they continue to not contribute, you might contact the professor to let them know.


How could you tell someone that you don't want to participate in a certain activity or discussion?

Ex. "I don't feel comfortable doing that, can we do something else instead?" OR "I don't feel comfortable talking about this, can we change the topic to something different?" 


What is something you do to make sure your mind is well/healthy?

Ex. Participate in hobbies, get plenty of sleep, break up work tasks


You randomly get a message on social media from a friend's account asking for money. What should you do?

Confirm that it is actually your friend by reaching out to them on another platform (ex. over phone call)


You are going to a job interview to work at the front desk of a hotel. You talked to the manager and they told you to come to the hotel and he will interview you in his office. What are you going to wear?

Business formal attire (ex. suit and closed toe shoes)


Your boss asked you to clean the windows, wipe down the counters, take out the trash, sweep the floor, and mop the floor. You don't think that you can remember all of those instructions. What accommodations could you ask for?

You might ask them to repeat the instructions after a certain amount of time has passed, or request that they write them down for you.


You want to give your friend a hug, but they said they don't feel comfortable with hugs. What should you do?

Respect your friend's boundary, and suggest an alternative (ex. high five, fist bump, etc.)


What is something you do to maintain good/healthy relationships with friends?

Ex. Check up on them regularly, hang out with them, text them, making sure you're putting in equal effort into the friendship


You get a message stating that your package could not be delivered and you need to update your address. The message contains a link for you to click on. You haven't ordered any packages recently. What do you think about the message? What should you do?

Do not click on the link and block the number. If the message is not relevant, it may be a scam.


You are going out to eat with a couple of your coworkers on Friday night. You are going to Applebees for half-priced appetizers. What are you going to wear?

Casual attire (ex. jeans and a t-shirt)


Your roommate invites multiple people to your dorm late at night and they are making a lot of noise. You are trying to get work done, but it's too loud to focus. You don't want to upset your roommate, but your work is important! What would you do in this scenario?

You may ask that your roommate hang out with their friends at someone else's dorm, and later come up with a compromise on days where it is okay to have people over late at night.


One of your friends is making jokes that you think are disrespectful and not funny. What should you tell them?

Ex. "Hey, I don't find those jokes very funny. They feel hurtful. Can you try not to make jokes like that in the future?"

If you are having a hard time maintaining mental wellness and need help, what is something you could do?

Ex. Reach out to a trusted adult


You get an email saying you need to change your password on instagram, and there is a link to click. The link in the email is Normally, the url for instagram is What would you do in this scenario? What stands out to you as a red flag?

Don't click to the link and report/block the email. The link emailed is not accurate for the actual website. This means someone may be trying to trick you by sending a similar looking link.


What is something you can do to prepare for an interview?

Ex. Practice, prepare questions, research the company


Your boss always “talks down” to you at work. You would like to be treated and respected the same as your coworkers. How could you approach your boss without coming across as demanding or disrespectful?

You may privately meet with your boss and explain that you feel like they are being disrespectful to you compared to your coworkers. You could explain that it is impacting how comfortable you feel while at work - therefore affecting your ability to work effectively. Then you could ask that they be more mindful of how they communicate and treat you in the future.


What should you do if you accidentally overstep someone's boundary?

Apologize and change your behavior to respect their boundary


You get an email from stating that you need to go to the linked website and pay a late fee. You aren't sure why you would have a late fee. What could you do in this situation? What are red flags that you notice?

You may check your school account separately and see that you don't have any late fees, therefore this message is not relevant to you. Also, the sender's email address is not a professional email. If it were from UCF, the email would end in You should not click on the link and block the account.


What is something you should put on a resume?

Ex. previous work experience, personal information (name, phone number, email), education, awards/honors