Grammar & Rhetoric
Globe Theatre
Julius Caesar
Shakespearean English
Roman History
The rhetorical device which evokes an emotional response.
What is *pathos* ?
The three colors of the flags used to advertise the genre of the play being shown at the Globe Theatre.
What is *red* , *white* , and *black*?
True or False: Tragedies often include sad events that could easily have been prevented.
What is *true*?
Translate the starred phrase in the following quote from the play: " **I prithee** , Strato, stay thou by thy Lord."
What is *please* / *I ask you* / *I pray you* ?
The first person who was eliminated from the Second Triumvirate.
What is *Lepidus*?
The sentence structure which combines two independent thoughts with a coordinating conjunction.
What is *compound*?
The term for the people who stood in the pit or yard of the Globe Theatre.
What is *groundlings*?
True or False: The tragic hero is a hero with admirable qualities who nevertheless fails to achieve his goals because his enemies are too strong for him.
What is *false*?
Translate the starred word in the following quote: "Come now, keep **thine** oath."
What is *your*?
Three cities mentioned in the Bible that are used as the setting in different parts of the play.
What is *Rome*, *Sardis*, and *Philippi*?
The use of a logical argument in order to persuade the audience.
What is *logos* ?
The major reason why the audience had to use their imagination actively in order to understand and appreciate the play.
What is *the lack of props and scenery*?
Identify the character who said the folowing quote: "His life was gentle, and the elements so mix'd in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world, 'This was a man!'
What is *Mark Antony*?
True or False: The Shakespearean term "knave" is a term of endearment.
What is *false*?
The forms of government Rome adopted from its beginning in 753 BC to its end in 476 AD (in chronological order).
What is *monarchy >> republic >> monarchy/empire* ?
Identify the sentence-constructing technique used in the following sentence: Terrified by the sound of footsteps and unsure of what might happen to him, Billy attempted to jump through the window.
What is *multiple opening adjective phrase*?
Identify the 2 parts of the Globe Theatre that aided the audience in imagining supernatural events.
What is *the heavens* and *hell*?
Define a soliloquy.
What is *a short speech in which the character addresses himself and reveals his true thoughts*?
Translate ONE of the following words into Shakespearean English: - Soon - Why - Unfortunately - Here
What is *anon* , *wherefore* , *alas* , or *hither*?
The first Emperor of Rome.
What is *Octavius*?
Define a complex sentence.
What is *a sentence which combines an independent thought and a dependent thought using a subordinating conjunction*?
Identify the city and country where Shakespeare lived and where his plays were performed.
What is *London, England* ?
The names of the characters who take their own lives in the play.
What is *Portia* , *Cassius* , *Titinius* , and *Brutus* ?
Identify the Shakespearean term which means "gladly": a) Forsooth b) Fain c) Troth
What is *fain*?
Three areas of life today that are a direct result of Rome's influence on history.
What is *architecture *Greek art & philosophy *city-planning *languages *law *democracy *spreading of Christianity?