Weapons of Influence
Hawks Fly Together
Focus on the Essentials
Time is On Our Side
Resistance is Futile?
This is a societal standard that requires individuals to pay back in kind what they receive from others
What is Reciprocity
This self-paced, online career tool allows college students to explore potential careers while considering their personal values and abilities
What is FOCUS
This is a method of documentation used by Psychologists when they write papers and publish articles
What is APA Style
This is an essential time management tool
What is Planner/ Calendar
Someone who scored low on the EPQ on this dimension would assume that there are universal moral rules to guide us
What is Relativism
This type of influence is based on the belief that the person of authority has a justifiable right to demand certain actions or behaviors
What is Legitimate Power
This is a home of many resources for first-year students including First-Year Advising, and Tutoring & Writing services, Career Services, and Service Learning and Community Programs
Center for Student Success
Restating a passage in another form, also known as_____, not only gives credit to the original author but also demonstrates your knowledge of the subject
What is Paraphrasing
This office works one-on-one with students to improve their general writing and study skills
What is Tutoring & Writing Center
These are two questions to ask when evaluating the authenticity of an authority figure
What are (1) Does this person have expertise & (2) Can this person be trusted
Familiarity, smiling, physical attractiveness, and pursuing mutual goals together, can all increase this...
What is Liking
In the event of an emergency on campus, students who call for help and students in need of assistance are protected under this (Better safe than sorry!)
What is the Good Samaritan Policy
We do this when we examine and evaluate conclusions rather than blindly accepting them at face value
What is Critical Thinking
Someone who takes an interest in reading is in control of reading assignments, and questions information with a critical eye is demonstrating this…
What is Active Reading
People with these ethical ideologies score high in Idealism on the EPQ
What are Situationists and Absolutists
This occurs when we don’t think deeply about a message because we lack the motivation or ability
What is Heuristic Processing
This is our own personal standard for how we should behave in our day-to-day lives
What is Ideal Self
A researcher would use this to relate the findings of his or her own study to professional colleagues
What is Empircal Journal Article
A task that has a major impact on one's success would be defined as...
What is Important
This early warning system will alert your body and mind to the possibility of an exploitative situation
What is Intuition
These are considered "amplifiers" of social proof
What are Uncertainty and Similarity
These are three (3) documents you should bring with you when you meet your First Year Advisor to register for courses
What are Academic Audit, Curriculum Chart, & Sequence Chart
This is an online library resource, created by Dr. Meszaros, to help the class with finding sources for their papers, preventing plagiarism, and citing sources
What is LibGuide (Research Guide)
According to the Priority Matrix, a task that is Urgent but Not Important would fall into this quadrant
What is Quandrant 3
To resist this weapon of influence, you should ask yourself, "Knowing what I know now, would I make the same commitment again?"
What is Consistency