These were the five codenames for the D-Day Beaches:
What are: Omaha, Juno, Sword, Gold and Utah beaches?
This is the second code of conduct:
What is: I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist?
This United States Marine Corps aircraft is:
What is: the UH-1Y (Venom)?
The M27 IAR is chambered in this caliber:
What is: 5.56mm x 45?
This individual is considered the Father of the US Navy:
Who is: John Paul Jones?
The USS Boxer is named after this event:
What is: The Boxer Rebellion?
This is the 4th general order:
What is: to repeat all calls from any post more distant from the guardhouse than my own?
This class of US destroyer is:
What is: an Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer (DDG)?
This is the diameter of the projectile fired by the AT-4:
What is: 84mm?
This is the Grand Old Man of the Marine Corps
Who is: Archibald Henderson?
The Tet Offensive took place during this holiday:
What is: The Lunar New Year?
This battle is where the United States Marine Corps NCO's earned their blood stripe:
What is: The Battle of Chapultepec?
This US Navy aircraft is:
What is: the P-8 Poseidon?
This is the type of warhead the M72 LAW contains:
What is: a shaped-charge explosive?
This individual set the limit for how many times an individual can receive the Medal of Honor:
Who is: Dan Daly?
This aircraft was the first operational US jet fighter:
What is: the P-80 Shooting Star?
This is the mission of the United States Navy:
What is: To maintain, train and equip combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas?
This United States Marine Corps vehicle is:
What is: the M9 Armored Combat Earthmover (ACE)?
This is the standard barrel length of the M27 IAR:
What is: 16.5 inches?
These four individuals held the rank of Fleet Admiral during the Second World War
Who are: William Leahy, Chester Nimitz, William Halsey and Ernest King?
This is where the first Japanese surface ship was sunk by the US in the Second World War:
What is: Wake Island?
These are all the leadership traits in JJDIDTIEBUCKLE:
What is: Justice, Judgment, Dependability, Initiative, Decisiveness, Tact, Integrity, Enthusiasm, Bearing, Unselfishness, Courage, Knowledge, Loyalty and Endurance?
This United States Navy vessel is:
What is: a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS)?
This is the distance needed for the AT-4's projectile to arm:
What is: 10 meters?
This was the rank held by the First Commandant of the Marine Corps:
What is: a Captain?