Children's Bible
Patron Saints
Election Day

Lot's daughters become the mothers of these two nations after having incestuous relations with their father. 

Who are the Moabites and Ammonites?


The capital city of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

What is San Juan?


The 266th Pope.

Who is Pope Francis?


The name for the usual monetary assessment paid to a diocese from the offertory of each of its parishes.

What is Cathedraticum?


Elected February 20th, 1878, this pope was famous for many writings, especially the encyclical "Rerum Novarum."

Who is Pope Leo XIII?


This Christian denomination traces their origins to 19th-century Englishmen who claim to have received a divine commission to go and preach the Gospel in Germany. The United States branch has roots in Buffalo, Chicago, and Manhattan, and lives by the motto, "Prayer Works!"

What is the New Apostolic Church?


This tribe of Israel is virtually wiped out after some of them imitate--and indeed surpass--the sins of Sodom.

What is the tribe of Benjamin?


This Baltic seaport served as the capital of the Russian Empire for more than 200 years. 

What is St. Petersburg?


This popular 13th-century Italian saint is famous for his mendicant poverty, love of nature, and zeal for Church reform.

Who is St. Francis of Assisi?


The amount of money the Ishmaelites paid for Joseph.

What is twenty pieces of silver?


Elected on January 8th, 1198, this pope was famous for establishing the Dominicans and Franciscans, rejecting the original Magna Charta, preaching the Fourth Crusade, and presiding over the Fourth Lateran Council.  

Who is Pope Innocent III? 


A group of people that advises the administrator of FEMA on emergency management.

What is the National Advisory Council/Committee?


After the fifth trumpet of the Apocalypse is sounded, these terrifying creatures rise out of the abyss. 

What are locusts?


This island was at once named after St. James, but is now known by a British abbreviation of St. Christopher.

What is St. Kitts?


This lawyer from Frederick wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner" after witnessing the Battle of Fort McHenry in 1814.

Who is Francis Scott Key?


This school has the highest tuition of any Catholic University in the U.S.

What is Georgetown University?

Elected on November 19th, 1523, this pope preached crusade against Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and excommunicated King Henry VIII but was imprisoned by Emperor Charles V. 

Who is Pope Clement VII?


This military rating refers to pilots in the Navy who receive golden wings after more than 18 months of training.

What is a Naval Aircrewman (or Naval Aircraftman)?


Back in Jephthah's day, you would be killed if you mispronounced this word at the fords of the Jordan. 

What is "Shibboleth"?


The seat of Calaveras County, California, this town's gold helped to fund the Union army. 

What is San Andreas?


The Archbishop of Baltimore during the construction of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen.

Who is Archbishop Francis Keough?


The amount of money owed by the wicked servant to the master in the parable found in Matthew 18:23-35.

What is ten thousand talents?


Elected on December 4th, 1154, this pope is the only Englishman ever to hold the Petrine office and allegedly wrote a papal bull that legitimized the English invasion of Ireland.

Who is Pope Adrian IV?


A security solution that prevents unauthorized devices and users from accessing a private network.

What is Network Access Control?


The Lord threatens to kill Moses in Exodus 4, but relents when Zipporah circumcises this firstborn son of theirs.

Who is Gershom?


One of the smallest countries in the world, named after a Croatian stonemason who became a saint.

What is the Republic of San Marino?


The sixth Archbishop of Baltimore.

Who is Archbishop Francis Kenrick?


This document projects all income and expenses for the ordinary operations of a parish for a specified time period.

What is the parish operating budget?

Elected on July 2nd, 311, this African pope held the Petrine office at the time of the Battle of Milvian Bridge and vehemently refused to rebaptize apostatized bishops. 

Who is Pope Miltiades (or Melchiades)?


An anti-inflammatory compound that can reduce levels of interleukins and tumor necrosis factor-alpha.

What is N-acetylcysteine?