What did Jesus Christ do for us all
He died for our sins
Why did we come to earth
to receive a body and become like Jesus Christ
Name one miracle Jesus Christ performed
healing, feeding the 5000 etc
How many days after Jesus death did he resurrect
3 days
Name the scripture "For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son"
John 3:16
What was the name of the plan that was made for us
The Plan of Salvation
Name one of the original apostles Jesus Christ called
Peter, James, John,
Who baptised Jesus Christ
John the baptist
Name three different references to Jesus Christ e.g the Savior
Redeemer, Son of God, Alpha and Omega, Prince of Peace, the Only Begotten
what kind of bodies did we have in the premortal life
spirit bodies
Which person did Jesus Christ raise from the dead
Who did Jesus Christ appear to and call to be a prophet to restore the gospel
Joesph Smith
Not ______ will but _______ be done
Not my will but thine be done
Who created earth
Jesus Christ
Which apostle betrayed Jesus Christ
"Other sheep of this fold I must visit" Who was Jesus Christ talking about
The Nephites
What is the atonement of Jesus Christ
the death and resurrection of Christ
our way to return to Heavenly Father
recite Jeremiah 1:5
Before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee
What was the name of the garden where Jesus took upon the sins of the world
Where did Jesus Christ go when he was first resurrected
to preach to the people in spirit prison