This position makes the agenda
Senate President
The section that contains senate business
Order of the Day
To complain about noise level and/or various other menial problems
"Point of privilege"
To end a meeting
"I move that we adjourn"
This member of leadership can read and write in Creole
Sergeant of Arms Emmanuela Tranquille
This position takes minutes for Senate
The section for attendance
Roll Call
An objection to procedure or personal attack
"Point of order"
To stop conversation about a matter and move it to another meeting
"I move that we table"
This leadership member once worked at a nuclear waste facility
Senate President Andrew Bounds
This position keeps order in Senate
Sergeant of Arms
The section for new senator instatements
Minutes & New Senators
To ask for information
"Point of information"
To end a debate
"I move the previous question"
This member of leadership named her cat Stuffing after finding her on Thanksgiving
Secretary Emily Sallustio
This position facilitates club cooperation
Club Coordinator
The section for open discussion
Debates, Open Forum, Questions, & Answers
To revisit a previously tabled matter
"I move we take from the table"
To take a break
"I move that we recess until"
The name of one of Shar's pets
Honda Civic, Duke, and Benjamin
This position coordinates clubs and organizes senate
Senate Pro-Tempore
The section to start a meeting
Call to Order
What to say when you disagree with the Chair's decision
"I appeal the Chair's decision"
To introduce business
"I move that..."
This person is not in the room.
Senate Pro-Tempore Aleeza Carruthers