This member lost his primary in 2022 but has come back to represent Oro Valley
Senator Vince Leach
What title contains Education statutes
Title 15
What two colors appear in most bills
Red & Blue
How many days does an agenda with bills need to be posted before committee
5 Days (not including the weekend)
Rachel Andrews
This member ran for Secretary of State in 2022 and lost but beat a former Secretary of State to become a Senator
Senator Mark Finchem
What happens in Vegas would probably be regulated by these two sin titles
Title 4 (alcoholic beverages) and Title 5 (amusements & sports)
What color should you use to cite new language in a committee amendment
A strike-everything amendment must be posted and distributed this many days before committee
Two Days / 48 Hours
Deputy Director Neff was also our NREW analyst before leaving for this utility company
This member currently serves as a Mohave County Board Supervisor
Senator Hildy Angius
This title feels extra "Special"
Title 48 Special Taxing Districts
Session law in a bill will always be this color
5 Days during Session / 10 Days after adjournment
Rachel Caldwell was our NREW analyst before leaving for law school in this US city
This member unseated an incumbent Senator and sits on the Scottsdale Unified Governing Board
Senator Carine Werner
Tom Savage & Nick Ponder is all about this title
Title 9
When drafting an amendment to an amendment you will use this color
The unanimous consent calendar is considered accepted within this amount of time after posting
48 Hours
Carolyn was the Research Director and Appropriations analyst before retiring but now does contract work for what lobbying firm
DeMenna's Public Affairs
This member currently is the Ranking Member on the House Judiciary Committee
Senator Analise Ortiz
These two titles contain nothing as they have been repealed...
Titles 2 & 24
Members have this many days to introduce bills, resolutions and memorials during Session
22 Days
This former assistant analyst now serves House Dem Caucus as a policy advisor