What is the official name of our YG?
Present Ministry
How many books are there in the Old Testament?
Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
Judas Iscariot
Who is the main character of To Kill a Mockingbird?
Jean Louise Finch; “Scout”
What was the (January) 2023 Winter Retreat theme?
Come and See
How many signs did God send to Pharaoh?
By whose authority was Jesus crucified?
Pontius Pilate
What chemical element is denoted by S?
How old is Jina Teacher?
Who was the first King of Israel?
State at least 7 different names for Jesus.
Messiah /Son of Man / Lamb of God / Son of David / Christ/ Good Shepherd / Savior / Prince of Peace / Alpha and Omega / Immanuel /etc.
What was the first Pixar movie?
Toy Story
When is Pastor Andrew’s birthday?
March 9
What are the Ten Commandments?
You shall have no other gods before me / You shall have no idols / You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain / Keep the Sabbath holy / Honor your father and mother / You shall not murder / You shall not commit adultery / You shall not steal / You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor / You shall not covet
What is the longest book in the New Testament?
What is the national flower of America?
When did our YG officially begin?
October 2022
What was the purpose of burnt offerings?
Atonement of sins.
What language was the New Testament originally written in?
What is the average life span of an octopus?
1-5 years