Post Secondary
Parts of an Email
Soft Skills
This is word means "after secondary school".
What is Post secondary.
This is known as the topic of the email message
What is Subject
Includes name, permanent and local addresses, e-mail address, and phone number. If using two addresses, indicate dates you can be reached at each.
What is Heading?
The emotion quotient (or intelligent) is located on this side of the brain
What is the right side?
The Following applies to this post Secondary option... •Run by your city or county. • Offer an associate’s degree after the completion of two years of full-time study. • Train students for immediate entry into the job market. • Prepare students to transfer to a 4-year college
What is Community College
This option allows you to send a file to another user.
What is an Attachment?
This is known as an immediately employment goal listed on top of the resume, but is not mandatory
What is an Objective?
These skills are teachable abilities or skill sets that are easy to quantify. Typically, you'll learn these skills in the classroom, through books or other training materials, or on the job
What are Hard Skills?
The Following applies to this Post secondary option... • Provide courses that allow you to start a career in a specific field that you enjoy • Offer a variety of options, including 2-year associate’s degree programs and 1-2 year programs from which you earn a license or certificate in a specific skill. • Offer licenses or certificates in “skilled” careers
What is a Trade School
This is a copy of an email message sent to a recipient whose email address does not appear (as a recipient) in the message.
What is Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)?
This part of resume involves listing past job experiences
What are Experiences?
Flexibility, Leadership, Motivation, Patience, Persuasion are all examples of this type of skill.
What are soft skills?
The Following applies to this Post Secondary Option • Provide a general, well-rounded education. • Offers a bachelor’s degree in a specific area of study, called a major. • Lays the groundwork for more advanced studies and professional work (for example: you need to go to a 4- year college or university before going to medical school or law school)
What is a 4 year University
generically refers to the operation of re-sending an email message delivered to one email address to a possibly different email address(es).
What is Forwarding?
These words demonstrate the skills you have used in previous jobs to achieve success. Examples include such words as "accomplished," "designed," "initiated," and "supervised."
What are action verbs?
This soft skill is not about being an artist, its about being resourceful and innovative.
What is Creativity?
This Bill is known as the The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, was a law that provided a range of benefits for returning World War II veterans and remands one of the best benefits for enlisting in a military branch
What is the GI Bill?
This is the difference between messaging a friend where grammar and slang are ok and messaging a boss where the message should be proofread and grammatically correct.
What is formal vs informal?
This is a great resume tip which involves using a numbers and percentages to communicate and express success in past job experiences.
What is Quantifying?
This is a mode of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it.
What is Critical Thinking?