To grow or accumulate over time is to _____________
The man was in a state of uproar and confusion. This is known as what?
Navy Seals conduct covert ops. What is the meaning of covert?
hidden, disguised, purposely kept secret.
If one is efficacious they are what at doing soemthing?
Effective, producing results
In the midst of the storm, the young man was able to keep equanimity despite facing many trials for the Lord was with Him.
Calmness, composure, refusal to panic
One should be gratuitous in giving to the poor, generous not stubborn for too whom much is given much will be required as the Lord as said.
Freely given
Do not use invective tone for you should love others as the Lord loves you and has forgiven you.
Over the years many imperious leaders have arised, but they have all fallen.
Overbearing, arrogant
Be wary of those things that are provocative for they can effect your mind.
Tending to produce a strong feeling or response.
Do not be _________ for laziness can lead to sin. What word is similar to being lazy?
The young woman was dressed in a debonair outfit and conducting herself as a respectable lady.
pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished in manner and appearance
Do you get the gist of what I am saying?
The essential part
There is no such thing as a fortuitous outcome, for the Lord makes it happen.
Accidental, occurring by a happy chance.
Those that indulge in sin will be given over to a reprobate mind says the Lord.
depraved vicious or unprincipled person, corrupt or unprincipled person, disapprove of, condemn
The rich man donated a __________ sum that helped the program greatly.
When one is reading something and highlights it, it is known as what?
If you make a promise to the Lord, do not delay for the Lord has no pleasure in fools. What word is similar to delaying or putting something off.
The young man was not wise by worldly wisdom, but by godly wisdom for he exceeding ordinary knowledge and understanding which is only found from God. What word fits that definition?