The nerve that transmits information from the eye to the brain
What is the optic nerve?
The name of the organ involved in the auditory system
What is the ear?
External or internal information our body receives that triggers a response
What is a stimulus?
A structure in the eye that changes the direction of light entering the eye
What is the lens (crystalline lens)?
The name for the elastic membrane in the ear
What is the eardrum?
The two types of responses (effectors)
What are secretory responses and motor responses?
A muscle in the eye that expands and contracts to change the size of the pupil
What is the iris?
The condition when somebody cannot hear sounds
What is deafness?
The receptors that detect changes in temperature
What are thermoreceptors?
These glands secrete tears, which keep the surface of the eyes hydrated
What are the lacrimal glands?
The snail-shaped organ in the inner ear
What is the cochlea?
What are rods and cones?
What is the condition called when distant objects are out of focus for a person because the eyeball is too long?
What is myopia?
The malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup), are all...
What are auditory ossicles?
These receptors provide information about our bodies' positions in space
What are proprioceptors?