Rules to Combine Sentences
Identify the Error
Fix the Error

Must have all of the following: A subject, verb, and complete idea.

Independent Clause


Combine a sentence by starting with an dependent clause that leads into a independent clause. Start with the word "because".

Multiple answers--as long as you start with the word "because" for dependent clause, put a comma after the clause ends, and have an independent clause that follows.

Example: Because I did not study, I did not pass the test.


About an hour later.



During the game,

As long as you add an independent clause after "during the game", you are good!

Example: During the game, I ate a lot of popcorn.


I love to drink coffee. What kind of clause is this?

Independent Clause


Has a subject and verb, but cannot stand alone as a sentence.

What is a dependent clause?


Combine a sentence by starting with an independent clause that leads into a dependent clause. Use "because" to connect the two clauses.

Hint: Use because once you finish the INDEPENDENT clause. Hint #2--it might be Rule #2...

Many answers are possible, but as long as there's a subject, verb, and complete idea for the independent clause and the word "because" is used to link to the dependent clause, it should be good! ALSO, THERE SHOULD BE NO COMMA!

Example: I did not pass the test because I did not study.


Anthony is the new accountant in our office he is not a CPA.

Run On!


Fix the sentence with a coordinating conjunction:

Ryan is highly allergic to cats, he requires at least twenty god-bless-yous every time he visits Mariko and her seven Siamese.

Ryan is highly allergic to cats, so he...


Even though I like chocolate, I can't eat it every day. What kind of clauses are each of these (identify both)?

Dependent into Independent.


When two independent clauses are joined by a comma without the appropriate coordinating conjunction or without a semicolon in place of the comma.

What is a comma splice?


Combine two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction.

As long as both clauses have a subject, verb, and complete idea, AND as long as they have one of the following words with a comma before, it should be okay: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So

Example: "I want to get an A, so I will learn all my coordinating conjunctions."


The bolded areas are in question...which of the bolded is incorrect, and what is the name of the error?

With her heavy dictionary,  Donna thumps the top of her ancient computer monitor. Whenever the color tint flickers from normal to sickly yellow.

monitor. Whenever is the error; it makes the sentence a fragment.


Fix the fragment by adding an independent clause correctly.

Although Macy’s first efforts at the dry goods business in Boston failed miserably.

There are lots of possibilities as long as you added an independent clause that can stand alone.

For example: Although Macy’s first efforts at the dry goods business in Boston failed miserably, she found success later.

Make sure you add a comma between the dependent clause and independent clause.


Words like "however, "furthermore," "consequently"--what are these called?

What are examples of subordinating conjunctions?


A dependent clause or incomplete thought which attempts to stands alone as a sentence.

What is a fragment?


Combine two independent clauses with a subordinating conjunction.

As long as both clauses have a subject, verb, and complete idea, AND as long as the conjunction has a semicolon before it, and a comma after it, you're okay. Possible choices: ;however, ;

Example Answer: "I want to get an A; however, I will need to review my subordinating conjunctions."


Identify the error that's bolded and explain why.

Mrs. Britton was grading papers at her desk, her students were slaving over their in-class compositions, sighing heavily and flipping through their dictionaries for the correct spellings of words.

This is a comma splice. Mrs. Britton was grading papers at her desk is an independent clauses. Independent clauses and other independent clauses can only be combined with semicolons, subordinating conjunctions, or coordinating conjunctions.


Use a semicolon with a subordinating conjunction to fix the error.

Meetings must proceed according to rules furthermore, business must be conducted fairly.

Meetings must proceed according to rules; furthermore, business must be conducted fairly.


For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So (FANBOYS) What are these called?

What are coordinating conjunctions?


When two or more independent clauses have absolutely no punctuation in between.

What is a run on?


Combine two independent clauses with a semicolon. This is very difficult. :)

As long as both clauses have a subject, verb, and complete idea, AND as long as a semicolon was used in between the clauses, you are good!

Example: "I want to get an A; I need to make sure I learn how to use semicolons properly."


Identify the three errors that are bolded:

Although I love learning about grammarSometimes, it can be boring the truth is that without it you won't be able to communicate well. I hope that I get an A, the test will be so easy.

1.) Fragment: Although I love learning about grammar.

2.) Run On: boring the truth

3.) Comma Splice: A, the


Revise all the errors below:

On my first trip camping. I was afraid of seeing snakes my friends never told me about the bears until I walked onto the path of one. Someone please help me, I am scared.

Many solutions are possible, but here's a good one:

On my first trip camping, I was afraid of seeing snakes. My friends never told me about the bears until I walked onto the path of one. Someone please help me; I am scared.


Fix the following sentence with a subordinating conjunction AND identify the error.

Lorna did not last long in Mr. Wolcott's busy office, her long fingernails made accurate typing impossible, and her abrasive manner scared away too many potential clients.

Lorna did not last long in Mr. Wolcott's busy office; however, her long fingernails made accurate typing impossible, and her abrasive manner scared away too many potential clients.

Before fixing the sentence, this was a comma splice!