Cause and effect

Although we waited over two hours for a table, it seemed like ____________________. A. only a few minutes B. yesterday C. now D. today

A. Only a few minutes

We loved staying at the cottage; the sounds of the ____ calmed us and the ____ air invigorated us. A. Mountains , foggy B. Ocean , sea C. City, polluted D. Wild, musty
B. Ocean , sea
We were _____ by the noise, so we moved to the next room. A. Joyed B. Irritated C. Euphoric D. Laconic
B. Irritated.
Amy's Speech was so ________ always switching subjects. A. Loquacious B. Circumlocution C. Concurring D. Garrulous
B. Circumlocution ( Talking around the subject)
Jan was ____ about leaving her things out in the open alone with a bunch of incontrolable _____ children. A. Irascible, Brusque B. Skeptical, lethargic C. Unsure, Benign D. Melancholy. Bellicose
A. Irascible, Brusque (Easily Angered, Rudely Abrupt)
School can be a burden ______, we still enjoy seeing our friends. A. Despite B. Abnormal C. However D. Rather
C. However
Parents think music is a bad influence ____________ they think we'll pick up on these habits. A. Additionally B. For Example C. Likewise D. Besides
A. Additionally
_______ the rain messed up my hair, I had to completely redo it. A. Because B. Thus C. In Order To D. Since
D. Since
Some teachers are ________, students manage to make them talk about life rather than school work. A. Eloquent B. Colloquial C. Discursive D.Elocution
C. Discursive (Straying from the topic)
She ____ wanted to study, resulting in her low grades A. Always B. Not C. Rarely D. Wanted
C. Rarely
The ________ Rain force us to walk in the mud which was once dry dirt. A. Unusual B. Unexpected C. Rather D. However
B. Unexpected
Jamba Juice is the best smoothie shop which is _____ healthy and naturally delicious. A. Also B. Like C. That is D. Besides
A. Also
Ashley was caught sneaking out by her parents, __________ she lost her phone and t.v privileges. A. Since B. So that C. If...then D. Consequently
D. Consequently
All these breaks from school make us _________, not wanting to do any school work. A. Choleric B. Lethargic C. Animosity D. Sanguine
B. Lethargic (Sluggish; dully apathetic)
Her cleverly thought up lie was ________ in her parents eyes. A. Caustic B. Fallacious C. Furtive D. Guile
D. Guile ( trickery; deceit)
Her bulgy black scar was _______ compared to the other survivors. A. Unusual B. Abnormal C. Unexpected D. Illogical
B. Abnormal
The ipad and laptop are _________ the same resourceful item. A. Also B. For Example C. That is D. Similarly
D. Similarly
_____ remove the stain from red wine you must follow these steps. A. Thus B. Consequently C. In Order To D.If...Then
C. In Order To

Joel was a _____, someone who doesn't believe that any truth is absolute. A. Jerk B. Nihilist C. Dictator D. Conspirer

 B. Nihilist

The two twins ______ ever had a concord moment around each other. A. Not B. Hardley C. Rarely D. Lacking
C. Rarely
She was very ________ but wasn't very __________ in her speech. A. Concord, Incisive B. Abridge, Brevity C. Concise, Succinct D. Laconic, Brusque
C. Concise, Succinct (Brief & to the point, Spoken or written in a clear and precise manner)
The SAT is one of the stressful tests for seniors, furthermore its __________ A. Transitory B. Interminable C. Protracted D. Expedite
C. Protracted ( Prolonged; extended in time)
Jaime was __________ so that the little kids weren't ________ with her. A. Spurious, Guile B. Benevolent, Brusque C. Consice, Laconic D. Benign, Gratify
B. Benevolent (kind; considerate), Brusque (Rudely abrupt)
Esmeralda has never done a jeopardy game , so please excuse her ______________ approach. A. Conspire B. Lassitude C. Irascible D. Extemporaneous
D. Extemporaneous ( done with little or no practice)
Tim liked to sit back and watch he was hardly ever _____________. A. Brusque B. Tout C. Elocution D. Garrulous
D. Garrulous (talkative)