Exclamation mark or exclamation point
What is your name.
What is your name?
question mark
What time is it
Question mark
What time is it?
For 100 points: Pick 1 member of your team and have them do 1 push up.
100 bonus points if you completed the action!
super fast
question mark
The cake is chocolate flavor.
period, it is a statement
exclamation point
For 200 points: Pick someone on you team to do 2 jumping jacks.
200 bonus points if you completed the action!
The ____ cat meowed ______.
cute, fluffy, gray, black, etc
softly, quietly, loudly
Rewrite this correctly:
Hoo iz @ thuh door?
Who is at the door?
It is raining outside
a period
It is raining outside.
For 300 points: Pick someone to hop on one foot 3 times.
300 bonus points if you completed the action!
The car drove on the _______.
ocean, road, trail, roller coaster track, etc
The cat jumped off the bed.
I like dogs cats and sloths.
a comma
I like dogs, cats and sloths.
For 400 points: Pick someone on your team to frog jump 4 times.
400 bonus points if you completed the action!
The cat slept.
Stretched sentence written on your team whiteboard!
example: The brown cat slept calmly on the bed during the nighttime thunderstorm.
" "
quotation mark
Wow that was loud thunder
(2 things)
Wow, that was loud thunder!
Watch out! he yelled.
Quotation marks
"Watch out!" he yelled.
For 500 points: Cluck like a chicken 5 times.
500 bonus points if you completed the action!
Crue laughed.
Stretched sentence written on your team whiteboard!
example: Crue laughed as he chased a butterfly through the yard.