Sentence Fluency

Is this sentence properly capitalized?

My friend danny goes to my school.

No, Danny is a name and should be capitalized


What are the three types of punctuation that come at the end of a sentence?

A period, an exclamation mark and a question mark.


What should you do when you see a comma?

Pause your reading for a second


How could you make this sentence more clear?

My family take vacation and Florida we went to.

My family took a vacation to Florida.


Is this sentence properly capitalized?

have you ever seen a snake?

No. The first word in a sentence ALWAYS starts with a capital.


What type of sentence is this? What type of punctuation should come at the end of this sentence?

Where did my pencil go

A question, a question mark


Where should the comma go in the following sentence?

The floor was wet but I didn't slip.

After the word wet, before the word but


What error is present in the sentence below?

My sentences are clear, everyone knows what I mean.

It is a run-on. There should be a semi-colon between 'clear' and 'everyone.'


Is this sentence properly capitalized?

my cousin lives in new york.

No. The first word in a sentence ALWAYS starts with a capital and states and cities are ALWAYS capitalized.


What type of sentence is this? What type of punctuation should come at the end of this sentence?

I read the book with the bug on the cover

A statement, a period


Where must a comma go in the following sentence?

I shared my cookies cake and milk.

After the word cookies, before the word cake


How could you make this sentence more clear?

I like cooking my family and my pets.

I like cooking, my family, and my pets. Commas make a BIG difference!


Is this sentence properly capitalized?

My favorite store is called five below.

No. Store names are ALWAYS capitalized.


What type of sentence is this? What type of punctuation should come at the end of this sentence?

Whose turn is it

A question, a question mark


Is the placement of commas correct in this sentence?

I invited Madison, Billy, Kelly and Mike to my party.



How could you make this sentence more clear?

How are we get there.

How do we get there?

How are we to get there?


Name 5 types of words that should be capitalized.

Names of people, proper nouns, states, cities, countries, store names, first word, titles, languages, days of the week, months of the year, holidays


What type of sentence is this? What type of punctuation should come at the end of this sentence?

We are so excited to see the movie

An exclamation, an exclamation mark


Where should the comma go in the following sentence?

Although it wasn't perfect she was glad it was done.

after 'perfect,' before 'she


How can you make this sentence more clear?

The tree makes shadow with the leaves.

 The tree's leaves make shadows.